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Some grammar Errors need considering

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Some grammar Errors need considering Empty Some grammar Errors need considering

Post by sakurasanta86 May 24th 2018, 6:39 am


Do you see a grammar error or miss spelling? Post the original piece along with the correct version.

To ensure that its being looked at and to help locate this issue, please provide a screenshot and the location.


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As of right now, this topic will only support English languages. Once we have more translators, the language will be added to the list. Not all translations will be updated right away as it will be reviewed before going public to ensure the updated version is correct.

Thanks for your help!
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Some grammar Errors need considering Empty Re: Some grammar Errors need considering

Post by SLGray May 24th 2018, 6:43 am

What exactly are you saying?

Some grammar Errors need considering Slgray10

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Some grammar Errors need considering Empty Re: Some grammar Errors need considering

Post by brandon_g May 24th 2018, 1:40 pm

He seems to have copy and pasted the first post from this topic: @SLGray .

@sakurasanta86 What grammer errors have you noticed? You could have posted them in that topic as well.


Some grammar Errors need considering Brando10
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