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Adding new Forum

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In progress Adding new Forum

Post by Guest November 30th 2018, 11:40 am

Hi guys,

On our forum website I have multiple forums (not categories). I'm looking to add another Forum, but I want to make it private and only allow certain members into it. We have a substantial amount of members now.

What I'm trying to do:

Have one place for a group of students (calling this Group 16)

When they go into this there are 12 entries, titled: Assignment 1 through-to Assignment 12.

Mods will drop in homework and answer questions in each space, and students can talk to each other too.

Here's an image showing what I mean:

Adding new Forum  Screen10

So my question is: can I make this forum section private, if so what settings do a change to do this and where.

Thank you,

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In progress Re: Adding new Forum

Post by skouliki November 30th 2018, 12:20 pm


you can add the members you want in a group lets say Test group and then allow only this group to be able to view,write and read to that forum

set the permission to that forum from admin panel

Adding new Forum  Scree480

Female Posts : 15404
Reputation : 1709
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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In progress Re: Adding new Forum

Post by Guest November 30th 2018, 12:46 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for the response. I do not have this option on my settings? Advanced Mode just isn't there. Scrub that, I changed some setting and it appeared.

"you can add the members you want in a group lets say Test group" - how do I do this part? Say James, Dave and Dan, all need to be in 'Test Group 1'. How do I assign that?

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In progress Re: Adding new Forum

Post by skouliki November 30th 2018, 2:23 pm

create a new group

Adding new Forum  Scree481

then go to that group click modify and add the members you want

Adding new Forum  Scree482


Female Posts : 15404
Reputation : 1709
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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