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[ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications

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In progress [ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications

Post by HeroxAquariophile March 6th 2019, 9:24 pm

Hello, would it be possible to place the login pop-up on all pages of publications? And by the way, publications are can be referenced on google and other browsers ??
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In progress Re: [ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications

Post by Ape March 6th 2019, 10:59 pm

No sorry you can't add a login on the publications it is all done in your main forum only.

[ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications Left1212[ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications Center11[ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications Right112
[ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications Ape_b110
[ModernBB] place the login pop-up on publications Ape1010

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