Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Hitskin_logo

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    Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages?


    Male Posts : 19188
    Reputation : 1996
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    In progress Re: Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages?

    Post by Ape April 11th 2019, 11:30 am

    When making your HTML page you get asked if you want to add the header and footer to your page.
    Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Html_p11
    if you are adding your wn ones then there is no other way to add them in the ACP.

    Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Left1212Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Center11Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Right112
    Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Ape_b110
    Maintaining elements that exist on multiple HTML pages? Ape1010