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Servimg : New look for a better user experience.

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Servimg :  New look for a better user experience. Empty Servimg : New look for a better user experience.

Post by The Godfather June 14th 2019, 2:54 pm

Complete redesig of Servimg image hosting site

Dear users,

I am pleased to announce that the Servimg team has completely redesigned the image hosting site to make it modern and above all to improve user experience Very Happy

The change is essentially visual. It brings a new graphic identity to this service with a sleeker and ergonomic design as well as an adaptation to mobile terminals that it was so lacking.

Servimg :  New look for a better user experience. Servim11

Other functional optimizations have also been made to improve the site's performance and loading. However, note that the default images order in your Servimg folders is now by decreasing upload date, so you can easily find the last hosted images. A new button allowing you to change this classification mode to alphabetical order if necessary.

We hope that this improvement will bring you full satisfaction.

The Forumotion team king

The Godfather
The Godfather

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