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Several questions

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Several questions  Empty Several questions

Post by Monka June 17th 2019, 9:53 pm

is it possible to have theme baxkgrounds in phbb2 version and if so how? is it possible to edit the current theme without using test themes? how to make the forum title invisible? on inversion theme the text of a board overlaps with the board icon how do i fix this? thanks for any help.
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Several questions  Empty Re: Several questions

Post by Jadster June 17th 2019, 10:59 pm

Monka wrote:is it possible to have theme baxkgrounds in phbb2 version and if so how? is it possible to edit the current theme without using test themes? how to make the forum title invisible? on inversion theme the text of a board overlaps with the board icon how do i fix this? thanks for any help.

To further help with these can you provide links to the forum(s) you are referring to so we can help provide correct answers and codes that you may be looking for as your query has multiple different forum versions being asked about.


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Several questions  Empty Re: Several questions

Post by Monka June 17th 2019, 11:15 pm

Jadster wrote:
Monka wrote:is it possible to have theme baxkgrounds in phbb2 version and if so how? is it possible to edit the current theme without using test themes? how to make the forum title invisible? on inversion theme the text of a board overlaps with the board icon how do i fix this? thanks for any help.

To further help with these can you provide links to the forum(s) you are referring to so we can help provide correct answers and codes that you may be looking for as your query has multiple different forum versions being asked about.

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Posts : 2
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Several questions  Empty Re: Several questions

Post by Ape June 18th 2019, 12:51 am

Please change the title of your topic to something that is related to your question/issue, so that other users will be able to find their question/issue using the search engine.
Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

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Several questions  Empty Re: Several questions

Post by Ikerepc June 30th 2019, 6:29 pm

Monka wrote:is it possible to have theme baxkgrounds in phbb2 version and if so how? is it possible to edit the current theme without using test themes? how to make the forum title invisible? on inversion theme the text of a board overlaps with the board icon how do i fix this? thanks for any help.

You can do all of that in CSS codes of your forum in your ACP.

What exactly do you need so we can help you...

It is possible to change almost everything. You just need to play with CSS and templates. All themes are just default themes with edited css & html so yes, for sure it is possible to change everything.
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