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Moderator panel/Moderator roles

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Total Votes : 8

Moderator panel/Moderator roles Empty Moderator panel/Moderator roles

Post by Iration July 3rd 2020, 12:22 pm

Hello everyone,

I would like to suggest to upgrade our moderator roles / rights and add a moderator panel in where they can search IPS, view reported cases, ban members, moderations and more.
We have a admnistration panel, I hope they add a Moderator panel too. Moderator panel is very useful in where they can change ban members rank into banned rank image/tag.

This is a very nice idea

Male Posts : 62
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Language : Bisaya
Location : Cagayan de Oro City

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Moderator panel/Moderator roles Empty Re: Moderator panel/Moderator roles

Post by JaneDoe July 3rd 2020, 4:29 pm

I have voted no. Basically it is giving Moderators the same access as Admin with a lot of stuff. You can already allow moderators to ban members and view IP addresses. It doesn't make sense to me how we could have a moderator panel. Some things need access to the Admin Panel.

Maybe it could work, but I think this isn't the need for a Moderator Panel, just the ability to give the Moderators more powers, (maybe by restricted access to the Admin Panel).

I think there is good reason why Forumotion only allow Admin access to a lot of sensitive member and forum info.

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Moderator panel/Moderator roles Empty Re: Moderator panel/Moderator roles

Post by Iration July 3rd 2020, 5:33 pm

To change rank image will do I guess

Male Posts : 62
Reputation : 1
Language : Bisaya
Location : Cagayan de Oro City

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Moderator panel/Moderator roles Empty Re: Moderator panel/Moderator roles

Post by SLGray July 3rd 2020, 9:06 pm

Some of what you listed is already available.

Moderator panel/Moderator roles Slgray10

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Moderator panel/Moderator roles Empty Re: Moderator panel/Moderator roles

Post by Iration July 7th 2020, 12:35 pm

SLGray wrote:Some of what you listed is already available.
We still dont have moderator panel sir

Male Posts : 62
Reputation : 1
Language : Bisaya
Location : Cagayan de Oro City

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Moderator panel/Moderator roles Empty Re: Moderator panel/Moderator roles

Post by brandon_g July 8th 2020, 12:09 am

99% of what your asking is already the case. Moderators can ban members, they view ips and reports made through the report system. While they can not change a rank to a banned rank, you can create a warning system with a banned bar that they can change. Basically changing ranks is the only thing they can't do that you asked for, but that takes 2 seconds for an admin to change when they come on.

Moderator panel/Moderator roles Brando10
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