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New : Add GIFs in your messages via a new button in the editor

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New : Add GIFs in your messages via a new button in the editor Empty New : Add GIFs in your messages via a new button in the editor

Post by Luzz January 22nd 2021, 5:07 pm

Add GIFs in your messages via a new button in the editor

Dear Forumotion users,

We are pleased to announce a little novelty that has everything to please your communities. We now have the ability to search and add GIFs to messages on our forums via a "GIF" button in the forums editor.

What is it about?

Animated gifs are very popular these days, so take the opportunity to enrich the exchanges between the members of your forum. Activate the option in your administration panel, your community will love it. The animated gifs offered in the editor are provided by GIPHY service which offers a large choice of files.

Here is what it looks like after activation:

New : Add GIFs in your messages via a new button in the editor Giphy-15

How to activate this feature?

To activate the "GIF" button in your editor, go to General> Messages and Emails> Configuration> Authorize GIFs (via GIPHY). To activate the option and benefit from GIPHY's animated library, you will need to create an API key. This operation will take you no more than 3 minutes. You can use the same GIPHY API key for all your forums.

How to get your API key ? You’ll need to create your app on Follow the detailed instructions in our tutorial.

Once you have the API key, all you have to do is enter it in the Administration Pannel:

New : Add GIFs in your messages via a new button in the editor Giphy-10


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