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New: Sort your members by points to see the ranking

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New: Sort your members by points to see the ranking Empty New: Sort your members by points to see the ranking

Post by The Godfather August 16th 2021, 5:15 pm

View the ranking of members by points

Dear users,

We recently made some minor improvements to the Forumotion forum points system:

  • The ability to easily reset the point counter of all members of a forum.
  • The "Members with the most points" widget to display the "best" members on the forum.

For an even easier use, you can now see the ranking of all the members on the "Members" page of the forum (available at /memberlist, for example on

This new feature is available since this afternoon and allows you to rank members by points, allowing you to view the entire ranking. Here's how to do it:

New: Sort your members by points to see the ranking Pointe10

- Remember to clear your browser cache if you do not see "Points" appear in the list.
- Likewise, "Points" only appears if the points system is enabled on the forum.
- Forums that have modified the memberlist_body template must apply the changes below.

We hope that this little novelty will please your members,

Looking forward to present you our new updates,
Your Forumotion Team king

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5366
Reputation : 847

Ape, Niko, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, trajce and TheCrow like this post

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New: Sort your members by points to see the ranking Empty Re: New: Sort your members by points to see the ranking

Post by The Godfather August 16th 2021, 5:18 pm

If you customized the memberlist_body template before this update, please make the following replacements, choosing your version of the forum.

Template: memberlist_body

Awesomebb , ModernBB and phpBB3:
Mobile version:
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5366
Reputation : 847

Ape, cassini, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, trajce and TheCrow like this post

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