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Adding Google Web Fonts to your Forumotion forum

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Adding Google Web Fonts to your Forumotion forum Empty Adding Google Web Fonts to your Forumotion forum

Post by Luzz February 8th 2022, 4:09 pm

Adding Google Web Fonts to your Forumotion forum

Dear users,

Changing the font of your forum ( forum title, section or topic titles, messages, etc.) is a simple way to personalize the identity of your forum or give it a more modern look. The visual impact of fonts used on a website is significant and immediately noticeable.

Users of Forumotion forums already had the option of changing the fonts of their forum:

- by entering a secure font for the web (web-safe) via the option in the administration panel. These are the basic fonts natively supported by all web browsers: Arial, Calibri or Helvetica for example.
- by adding a web font (like Google Fonts fonts); however this manipulation required the addition of extra codes in your HTML/CSS, which can turn out to be rather tedious.

With this new feature, adding a Google Web Font is very easy from the administration panel with just one click. Indeed, Forumotion now gives you the possibility to select Google Fonts fonts without worrying about additional codes. Everything is handled automatically.

To customize the fonts of your forum, you must access the administration panel then go to: Display > Images and Colors > Colors. Here you can assign different fonts to titles, main content and code:

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Then, you just have to enter in each field the name of the font or fonts you want. If the font name does not include spaces, you can take advantage of auto-completion (not supported for fonts whose name includes spaces):

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As each Google Web Font requires loading its own resource to be displayed, it is unfortunately impossible to have a preview of all these fonts in the administration panel (this would considerably slow down navigation). However, you have access to it on this page: Discover Google Fonts.
Once the new fonts are saved, the field names are displayed in the selected font and the changes are visible on the forum:

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This update does not affect any fonts already filled in. If you don't want to change the current fonts on your board, you don't need to do anything.

We hope you enjoy this improvement based on your suggestions. king


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