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New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page

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New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page Empty New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page

Post by Luzz March 21st 2022, 2:08 pm

New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page

Dear users,

A very practical novelty has appeared on the Forumotion forums. Admins now have the ability to send push notifications directly from the discussion topic, without going through the Admin Panel.

To do this, a new “Send Push Notification” icon 🔔 is displayed next to the topic title (visible only to administrators).

New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page Push-f12

How does it work?

As a reminder, a Push notification is a message consisting of a title, a text and an internal link to the forum which is sent to all visitors and/or members of your forum who have previously agreed to receive them. Until now, you could only send push notifications via the Administration Panel by filling out a small form dedicated to this operation (Admin Panel  General  Push Notifications - Write and send).

Sending a push notification directly from the topic is much easier and faster. The title of the push, its text and its image are generated automatically, and you can send the push in 2 clicks.

After clicking on icon of the bell 🔔, a confirmation pop-up opens asking you to validate the sending of the push. This pop-up window informs you at the same time about the number of push notifications left as part of your package.

See illustration:

Notifications sent in this way are counted and archived just like pushes sent via PA, in the following location:

Admin Panel  General  Push Notifications - Follow-up and Archives

All sendings must be spaced out by 5 minutes minimum, so it will be necessary to wait 5 minutes after the last push before sending a new one (moreover, apart from the last page consulted, the icons "Send Push Notification" will simply not be visible for 5 minutes).

Also note that push notifications respect the topic visibility permissions. If the topic is visible to members and guests then the push will be sent to both. If it is visible only to members, the push will not be sent to guests.

In addition, it is not possible to send pushes for a topic reserved for a group or for moderators.


Number of Push notifications that you can send per month: By default, Forumotion offers to send 4 Push notifications per month. However, by subscribing to an New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page 857436672 package, this limit rises to 10. With a New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page 312592876 package, the limit is 30 push notifications per month. For more details on the packages, see this tutorial

The "Send Push Notification" icon is not displayed, why?

You have certainly already understood that sending pushes is only possible if certain conditions are met. The bell icon 🔔 will be visible only if the condition set is present.

If you don't see this icon next to the topic title, and can't find the reason right away, here is a little checklist, to check the necessary conditions.

  • Your forum is in HTTP or not-UTF8 (push notifications are only available for HTTPS and UTF8 forums)
  • You have reached the limit of push notifications (you can check it in your Admin Pannel)
  • You do not have permissions to send pushes (Reminder: you must be logged in as a Forum Administrator)
  • The topic is not visible to members
  • Your forum does not yet have any subscribers to push notifications, i.e. members or guests who have agreed to receive them (the counter is updated in real time)
  • The 5-minute delay after sending the last push is not respected
  • You did not update previously modified templates

New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page 1f6a9 Also, the very first time it may be necessary to clear the CSS cache. To do this, simply go to the PA > Display > Colors and just click on the "Save" button, without any modification.

Administrators who have customized the templates viewtopic_body and viewcomments_body should consider the changes below. (Administrators who have not customized this template are not affected by these changes included natively in the basic template of the forum.)


Posts : 2030
Reputation : 371
Language : French, English, Russian

skouliki, Ape, SLGray, Niko, SarkZKalie, Terminator44 and hoanglongnhatbao like this post

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New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page Empty Re: New : Send Push notification directly from the topic page

Post by Luzz March 21st 2022, 2:09 pm

Administrators who have customized the templates viewtopic_body and viewcomments_body should consider the changes below. (Administrators who have not customized this template are not affected by these changes included natively in the basic template of the forum.)

As a reminder, the viewcomments_body template is only visible if you have activated Blog mode in PA  Modules  Blogs  Configuration

First part (all versions)

In all versions, add this block of code in 2 templates at the beginning or at the end of the template:

  • viewtopic_body
  • viewcomments_body


Second part (depending on the version)







PunBB and Invision

viewcomments_body and viewtopic_body:


viewcomments_body and viewtopic_body:


viewcomments_body and viewtopic_body:

Posts : 2030
Reputation : 371
Language : French, English, Russian

SLGray, Niko and hoanglongnhatbao like this post

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