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New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive

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New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive Empty New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive

Post by The Godfather Tue 15 Nov 2022 - 10:39

New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive

Dear Forumotion users,

The ModernBB version has been a great success since its launch in 2017. This success is mainly due to its modern appearance without losing the spirit of the forums. Unfortunately, this version was not "responsive"…until today!

Because yes, more and more of you are browsing the Forumotion forums from a smartphone or tablet. This is why we are happy to announce that after a long work carried out by the technical team, the ModernBB version of the forums is now responsive.

This means that the display of the forum is now optimized for mobile devices, a better experience for members and visitors on these small screens but also possibly a better ranking on search engines (especially if you force the display of the Web version because your forum was then not considered "mobile-friendly").

To better illustrate this change, here is what a ModernBB forum on mobile looked like before and what it looks like after this update:

New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive Ererer11

As always, admins who have customized certain templates of their forum under ModernBB will not automatically obtain all the updates. Similarly, display problems may be visible due to the browser cache (remember to clear it if this is the case).

Finally, CSS customizations added by users may cause conflicts or forum display issues on mobile. If you are in this case, a simple and (normally) effective trick is to remove the line below in the overall_header template (if the template is not modified). The forum should then regain its classic appearance.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

Admins who have customized the following ModernBB templates should consider the changes below: album_moderate_body, groupcp_info_body, groupcp_pending_info, index_box, memberlist_body, overall_header, topics_list_box, viewcomments_body and viewtopic_body.

We hope this update can be useful to you,
Your Forumotion team king

Last edited by The Godfather on Mon 21 Nov 2022 - 10:58; edited 1 time in total
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5282
Reputation : 843

skouliki, SLGray, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, tikky, Obscure and كونان2000 like this post

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New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive Empty Re: New: The ModernBB version of Forumotion forums is now responsive

Post by The Godfather Tue 15 Nov 2022 - 10:48

Administrators who have customized the following templates should consider the changes below: album_moderate_body, groupcp_info_body, groupcp_pending_info, index_box, memberlist_body, overall_header, topics_list_box, viewcomments_body and viewtopic_body.
(Administrators who have not customized these templates are not affected by these modifications natively included in the basic template of the forum)

These changes only affect the ModernBB version :









The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5282
Reputation : 843

Ape, SLGray and TonnyKamper like this post

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