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Lazy Coders

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Lazy Coders Empty Lazy Coders

Post by megamein November 18th 2024, 7:54 am

Lazy Coders Green-1024-x-1024
Choice of Category: Computers & Internet
Choice of Title: Lazy Coders
Forum Address:
Main Language: English
Forum Description: AI dev with focus on the LivinGrimoire AGI software design pattern.

Administrators: admin
Support Moderators: Moti Barski


lazy coding
technological walkthroughs

the LivinGrimoire

skills, auxiliary modules and various upgrades


LivinGrimoire light version for the Arduino or ELEGOO

bug reports and fixes

chit chat
General Chat


Merch and promotions

Posts : 76
Reputation : 3
Language : english

megamein and SarkZKalie like this post

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