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LIMESTRIPE comics community

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LIMESTRIPE comics community Empty Re: LIMESTRIPE comics community

Post by perca August 11th 2008, 8:58 pm

1. Category: Art & Culture
2. Title: LIMESTRIPE comics community
3. Adress:
4. Language: English
5. Review: LIMESTRIPE is an international community for sequential art enthusiasts to interact, share opinions/experiences and to have fun. The main idea of the board is to provide the opportunity to improve and excel for everybody willing to get serious with sequential art, aiming for a professional future on that field. The main focus of the website is to analize comics more by the art view than the plot view, focusing on anatomy, paneling placement, scenaries and everything related to comics artwise. It's important to have that in mind when joining the boards, since the place will stick with art reviews and critics rather than story/character development.
6. Forum Layout:

hope all this is enough to get the board accepted XD

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Language : Portuguese
Location : Brazil

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