by Guest Mon 18 Mar 2013 - 21:42
What you can do now on Forumotion forums is create a usergroup for new members.Then set it so they can only post in one or certain sections of the forum.Call the group something like New Members. Then place all new members who have just joined in this group.
Then create a new members forum. You can set it so that the new members section is not visible to guests or the other members. And only visible to users in the new members group,moderators and admins.
Then set the permissions of the other forums so that anyone in the new members group(restricted group) cannot post on the other forums,only in the new members forum.
This will then set it up so that any member moved into the usergroup you just created will not be able to post anywhere except in the new members forum.
Then once you have approved their posts you can move them to the main forum, then move the new users out of the restricted usergroup and into the members group where they will be able to post on the rest of the forum,the same as the other members.
That's what I do on my forum. I am also a member of another Forumotion forum where they have this. So there, when you first join that forum as a new member they can only post in one section of the forum until they are moved to the main members usergroup.Then they can post almost in all the forums.
Well on that forum they have different permissions set up for different usergroups,such as some groups can post in some forums,other cannot. Also some usergroups can have signatures and others cannot.
You can also restrict the posting rights of members who break the rules by moving them into the restricted usergroup. Then they will not be able to post. Or will only be able to post in one section of the forum,until you move them out of the restricted group.