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Flood Control

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Flood Control Empty Flood Control

Post by Caihlem Sat 14 Mar 2009 - 22:09

Flood Control

Flood Control System

This system allows the admin to protect his forum against flood and/or bothersome publicity (in topics + posts + PM) and/or manners that could hinder the atmosphere of the discussions and the debates on the forum. Indeed, activating the system allows to limit the creations of threads and the sending of posts or successive P.Ms for a same member during a defined period of time that can be defined by the admins. The units are in seconds and the maximum value is 999 999 seconds, equivalent to 277 hours, or 11.5 days.

To activate it, go through:
Admin Panel => General => Security => Flood control delay

Flood Control 16032012

On the forum, each attempt past the limit is translated by a warning message informing the member that he should wait the requested time period as defined by the admin.

Flood Control 16032013

Note : this restriction does not apply to Admins and Moderators of the forum!


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