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Zenventive Empty Re: Zenventive

Post by John Zen March 23rd 2010, 5:13 am

"Think. Create. Be..."

Zenventive Zenventive_header_preview
(header is an animated flash header)

Choice of Category: Art, Health & Meditation, Philosophy, General Discussions
Language: English
Forum's Purpose: Zenventive is a place where Creators, Thinkers, and generally anyone can come to share their art of any form, discuss & debate philosophies with other thinkers, share their ideas and talk about daily things with others. The key aspect of Zenventive is that it will provide it's members with a safe, respective place to host and display any and all of their art, and ideas. Zenventive is a place where you can think, create, and be of your art and philosophy.

Administrators: John Zen (site owner), Slash (site manager),
Spenner (site graphics designer)
Moderators: Rainman, (recruiting 4 more)
Keepers: Recruiting = 1 permanent (On-topic Mods, 5 positions available each month, Keeper status is earned each month)
Zen-Member: this group is granted access to special sections and to Club Zen which is a private section. Zen "status" can be achieved a number of ways, but the easiest and most common is by donating to Zenventive.


lol this you will see upon joining our staff silly

Forum Information-
- Rules and Announcements
- User Support
- Staff Members

- Paintings, Drawings, etc.
- Digital Art
- Sculpting
- Music
- Literature, Poems, etc.
- Other Art

Mind and Body-
- Fitness and Health
- Healing with Meditation
- Meditation Techniques
- Your Meditative Thoughts
- Sleep and Dream

- General Philosophy
- Spiritual/Religious Philosophy
- Law of Attraction

Tutorial Gallery-
- Art Tutorials
- Website Tutorials
- Software Tutorials
- Other Tutorials

Off topic-
- General Discussion
- Club Zen (private)
- Entertainment
- Talk About It
- Tech Help
- Senseless Discussion


Zenventive Page_preview

Last edited by John Zen on March 23rd 2010, 9:39 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : accidentally pressed send, premature)
John Zen
John Zen

Male Posts : 34
Reputation : 0
Language : English
Location : zenventive

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