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One Small World

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One Small World Empty One Small World

Post by Katie (WWETT) April 10th 2010, 9:30 pm

One Small World
One Small World 16ld1qf

Choice of Category: Games & RPG
Language: English
Forum's Purpose: A forum where you can role play as people from the WWE, celebrities, tv show characters, doctors, singers, actors/actresses, etc. Also a forum where you can make friends with people that share your same interests.

Administrator: Courtney Orton


Important Information
-Sign Up
-Character Information
-OSW News

-Photo Shoots
-Recording Studio
-Dancing Studio

Outside Of Work
-Grocery Stores
-Movie Theater
-Other Places

Off Topic
-Works Of Art
-Hall Of Themes
-General Discussion
-The OSW Awards

One Small World 20iig6o

Forum Overview:
One Small World 16h0pdh

(I don't know how to get the full site overview so hopefully that's good enough)

Last edited by Katie (WWETT) on April 13th 2010, 9:43 pm; edited 2 times in total
Katie (WWETT)
Katie (WWETT)
New Member

Female Posts : 20
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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One Small World Empty Pop Up Music Player On OSW

Post by Katie (WWETT) April 13th 2010, 9:42 pm

You can now listen to music as you role play! Just go to the portal and click on the pop up jukebox and you can listen to the music as you go from topic to topic. Just reply with the songs you want to see on the playlist here and they will be added.

You Are Only Allowed To Request 5 Songs A Week.

To get the pop up player to work you must go to the portal and click on the Click Here For The Pop Up Jukebox right under OSW Music Player. The OSW Music Player is located right next to the Statistics and above the news.

One Small World 2hi1f8j
Katie (WWETT)
Katie (WWETT)
New Member

Female Posts : 20
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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One Small World Empty Two New Forums And A Rule Change

Post by Katie (WWETT) April 14th 2010, 10:39 pm

Two new forums have been added to One Small World.

1: TV/Movie Studio: It's where actors/actresses can post topics where they are on set of a movie or tv show. (Located under the Work category)

2: Schools: Where you can get your education. It doesn't matter your age you can post a topic in the forum if you're character is in second grade or in college. (Located under the Outside Of Work Category)


Rule Number 9 has been changed it now says: Ask people to do a topic with you before you post it! It's annoying and it's hard to keep up with topics if someone is just creating them on the spot without asking if you want to do it first.

Last edited by Katie (WWETT) on April 14th 2010, 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : needed to add more info.)
Katie (WWETT)
Katie (WWETT)
New Member

Female Posts : 20
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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One Small World Empty Re: One Small World

Post by Katie (WWETT) April 25th 2010, 8:48 pm

Two forums have been hidden and you have to log in as a member to see them. The forums that were hidden were Works Of Art and The OSW Awards.

Also now you must wait for an admin to activate your account to be a member of One Small World so please be patient if you register and come back soon to see if it's been activated.
Katie (WWETT)
Katie (WWETT)
New Member

Female Posts : 20
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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One Small World Empty Re: One Small World

Post by Katie (WWETT) April 30th 2010, 10:23 pm

One forum and three sub-forums have been added!

-TNA: Where the Wrestlers and Knockouts of TNA work. *A backstage sub-forum have been added and more sub-forums will be added soon.

-Raw Backstage (located in the WWE under Backstage) : Where the Raw Superstars and Divas hang out before a show.

-Smackdown Backstage (located in the WWE under Backstage): Where the Smackdown Superstars and Divas hang out before a show.

-Smackdown General Manager's office (located in the WWE under General Managers' Offices): Where Smackdown General Manager Melina talks to Superstars and Divas from Smackdown.
Katie (WWETT)
Katie (WWETT)
New Member

Female Posts : 20
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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One Small World Empty New Banner + Video

Post by Katie (WWETT) May 4th 2010, 10:56 pm

One Small World has a new banner for the month of May which was made by me:

One Small World N4w287

Also with an ex member copying stuff off of One Small World and claiming those copied things as her own recently an awesome friend of mine named Ingrid created a video to help with the problem.

Katie (WWETT)
Katie (WWETT)
New Member

Female Posts : 20
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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