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Create Password Protected Forum

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Tutorial Create Password Protected Forum

Post by Shadow August 24th 2010, 9:43 am

Create Password Protected Forum

Credits :
Tutorial & Script Created by Master Marc. Credits to his Website Design and Coding Forum.

Note : Since we can't create password protected forums, I've created a substitute. JavaScript isn't secure, by the way.

How To Create A Password Protected Web Page :

Open your notepad on your computer. Once your notepad is opened, copy and paste this below into the head tags of your web page :

<script language="javascript">


function PlanA() {

var password = "Marc"

var pass = prompt("Enter in the password"," ")

if (pass.toLowerCase() == password) {

window.location = "";


else {

window.location = "Typlo";





Just replace the text 'Marc' with your own password and replace '' with the hidden web page's domain name.

Replace 'Typlo' with the link that would be used to display another web page if someone entered an incorrect password.

If you don't follow my steps above, you might see a Not Found Page or be redirected to the homepage of your forum.

Once you've added my script in the head tags of your web page, insert this into your body tags of your web page :

<a href="#" onClick="PlanA(); return false">Click Here To Enter Password !</a>

Congratulations! You've created your very own password protected page.

You can use links to your forum in the script, so that you can hide the forum and use this tool to access your hidden forum.

Live Working Demo :

Click Link :

For More Information :

Read more about this script : How to create a password protected web page


Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

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Tutorial Re: Create Password Protected Forum

Post by skouliki February 11th 2020, 8:29 am

This code was updated to fit in with the new HTTPS address

updated 11.02.2020 by skouliki

Female Posts : 15412
Reputation : 1709
Language : English,Greek
Location : Greece

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