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Chat Arena

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Chat Arena Empty Chat Arena

Post by ACE1 October 27th 2010, 3:50 pm

1.Choice of the category: Miscellaneous

2.Choice of a title: Chat Arena

3.Forum address:

4.Main language: English

5.Forum description: A forum which provides chat of any topic, games and free advertisements.

Our forum was made on the 10.10.10 and this is our current Statistics:

Our users have posted a total of 946 messages

We have 39 registered users

The newest registered user is serai

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Posts : 15
Reputation : 0
Language : English/Chinese

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Chat Arena Empty Re: Chat Arena

Post by ACE1 November 7th 2010, 8:03 pm

New statistics:

Our users have posted a total of 1532 messages

We have 51 registered users

The newest registered user is Lord DX

Our forum is getting big. Join now!!
New Member

Posts : 15
Reputation : 0
Language : English/Chinese

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