multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Hitskin_logo

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    Add multi-themes to my forum

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 July 20th 2011, 5:19 pm

    Hello, I've read this tutorial and I wish to add a another theme to my forum. However, I guess my knowledge is CSS isn't good enough because I don't comprehend half of the tutorial.

    I was hoping that some really kind Forumotion staff member (who could possibly spare me 10 or 15 minutes) could go into my forum (I will give them an admin account) and make it for me. I have the multi-theme I want to add ready in my Temporary Themes. I will greatly appreciate it and I will be grateful for any help!! Smile

    Male Posts : 61
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by flyingfisch July 21st 2011, 3:11 pm

    Is the idea I gave here working for you?
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 July 26th 2011, 6:02 pm

    flyingfisch wrote:Is the idea I gave here working for you?

    No, I'm trying to do the harder way.

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 July 28th 2011, 5:48 pm

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Diana July 28th 2011, 6:05 pm

    Um, I tried it and it didn't work. So I'd say don't bother going through the trouble cause... in the end I was told to work on the coding myself. "Very helpful" Rolling Eyes
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 July 29th 2011, 1:49 am

    rhe wrote:Um, I tried it and it didn't work. So I'd say don't bother going through the trouble cause... in the end I was told to work on the coding myself. "Very helpful" Rolling Eyes

    I've contacted Base, but he isn't really sure how to work it. I think there are a few people out there though, that could help us Very Happy

    Male Posts : 406
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Raze July 29th 2011, 10:55 pm

    Few months ago I didn't get it the first time but then when I watch the video for a bit I figured it out.

    So keep trying or do you want me to spare you a code saying where forum name goes and images?
    Active Poster

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Diana July 29th 2011, 11:09 pm

    Can you provide the link to the video? And did you get the images to come over aswell?
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by !_NICK_! July 30th 2011, 1:15 am

    Why don't someone suggest this and to have an easy setup for it.
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 July 31st 2011, 12:48 am

    Raze wrote:Few months ago I didn't get it the first time but then when I watch the video for a bit I figured it out.

    So keep trying or do you want me to spare you a code saying where forum name goes and images?

    Please please anyone give me a code (and/or tutorial) that is easier to use then the one Forumotion provided. Thanks!!
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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 August 1st 2011, 1:05 am


    C'mon guys! Help! Sad
    LH Justin
    LH Justin

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by LH Justin August 1st 2011, 6:37 am

    That tutorial is a terrible way to make a theme changer.

    The best way to do this is to first find a CSS host. Host every theme as an individual stylesheet.

    Now get the URLs of the Stylesheets you have ready. Find the overall_header template and In the <head></head> portion of the code paste the default one where it says "CSS1," and then the other two URLs where it says CSS2 and 3.

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme1" href="CSS1" />

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme2" href="CSS2" />

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme3" href="CSS3 />

    Now go to your JS Management, create a new page, and paste this in there.

    //Style Sheet Switcher version 1.1 Oct 10th, 2006
    //Author: Dynamic Drive:
    //Usage terms:

    var manual_or_random="manual" //"manual" or "random"
    var randomsetting="3 days" //"eachtime", "sessiononly", or "x days (replace x with desired integer)". Only applicable if mode is random.

    //////No need to edit beyond here//////////////

    function getCookie(Name) {
    var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
    if (document·cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
    return document·cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
    return null

    function setCookie(name, value, days) {
    var expireDate = new Date()
    //set "expstring" to either future or past date, to set or delete cookie, respectively
    var expstring=(typeof days!="undefined")? expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+parseInt(days)) : expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()-5)
    document·cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/";

    function deleteCookie(name){
    setCookie(name, "moot")

    function setStylesheet(title, randomize){ //Main stylesheet switcher function. Second parameter if defined causes a random alternate stylesheet (including none) to be enabled
    var i, cacheobj, altsheets=[""]
    for(i=0; (cacheobj=document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) {
    if(cacheobj.getAttribute("rel").toLowerCase()=="alternate stylesheet" && cacheobj.getAttribute("title")) { //if this is an alternate stylesheet with title
    cacheobj.disabled = true
    altsheets.push(cacheobj) //store reference to alt stylesheets inside array
    if(cacheobj.getAttribute("title") == title) //enable alternate stylesheet with title that matches parameter
    cacheobj.disabled = false //enable chosen style sheet
    if (typeof randomize!="undefined"){ //if second paramter is defined, randomly enable an alt style sheet (includes non)
    var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*altsheets.length)
    return (typeof randomize!="undefined" && altsheets[randomnumber]!="")? altsheets[randomnumber].getAttribute("title") : "" //if in "random" mode, return "title" of randomly enabled alt stylesheet

    function chooseStyle(styletitle, days){ //Interface function to switch style sheets plus save "title" attr of selected stylesheet to cookie
    if (document.getElementById){
    setCookie("mysheet", styletitle, days)

    function indicateSelected(element){ //Optional function that shows which style sheet is currently selected within group of radio buttons or select menu
    if (selectedtitle!=null && (element.type==undefined || element.type=="select-one")){ //if element is a radio button or select menu
    var element=(element.type=="select-one") ? element.options : element
    for (var i=0; i<element.length; i++){
    if (element[i].value==selectedtitle){ //if match found between form element value and cookie value
    if (element[i].tagName=="OPTION") //if this is a select menu
    else //else if it's a radio button

    if (manual_or_random=="manual"){ //IF MANUAL MODE
    var selectedtitle=getCookie("mysheet")
    if (document.getElementById && selectedtitle!=null) //load user chosen style sheet from cookie if there is one stored
    else if (manual_or_random=="random"){ //IF AUTO RANDOM MODE
    if (randomsetting=="eachtime")
    setStylesheet("", "random")
    else if (randomsetting=="sessiononly"){ //if "sessiononly" setting
    if (getCookie("mysheet_s")==null) //if "mysheet_s" session cookie is empty
    document·cookie="mysheet_s="+setStylesheet("", "random")+"; path=/" //activate random alt stylesheet while remembering its "title" value
    setStylesheet(getCookie("mysheet_s")) //just activate random alt stylesheet stored in cookie
    else if (^[1-9]+ days/i)!=-1){ //if "x days" setting
    if (getCookie("mysheet_r")==null || parseInt(getCookie("mysheet_r_days"))!=parseInt(randomsetting)){ //if "mysheet_r" cookie is empty or admin has changed number of days to persist in "x days" variable
    setCookie("mysheet_r", setStylesheet("", "random"), parseInt(randomsetting)) //activate random alt stylesheet while remembering its "title" value
    setCookie("mysheet_r_days", randomsetting, parseInt(randomsetting)) //Also remember the number of days to persist per the "x days" variable
    setStylesheet(getCookie("mysheet_r")) //just activate random alt stylesheet stored in cookie

    Now go back to the overall_header template. Directly below the previous code you put in there, paste this one. Then get the URL of the JS page you created and paste it where it says "JSADDRESHERE."

    <script src="JSADDRESSHERE" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Now you make the actual "switches" for the theme changer. You can put this wherever you want, but I'd recommend putting somewhere in the <body></body> potion of the code. Only change the theme names here, nothing else. You can add more stylesheets, just remember to change the value if you do.

    <form id="switchform">

    <!-- Theme 1 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme1" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 1 Name

    <!-- Theme 2 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme2" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 2 Name

    <!-- Theme 3 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme3" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 3 Name

    Your theme changer should now be working. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
    Active Poster

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by Empire_1 August 1st 2011, 4:39 pm

    LH Justin wrote:That tutorial is a terrible way to make a theme changer.

    The best way to do this is to first find a CSS host. Host every theme as an individual stylesheet.

    Now get the URLs of the Stylesheets you have ready. Find the overall_header template and In the <head></head> portion of the code paste the default one where it says "CSS1," and then the other two URLs where it says CSS2 and 3.

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme1" href="CSS1" />

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme2" href="CSS2" />

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme3" href="CSS3 />

    Now go to your JS Management, create a new page, and paste this in there.

    //Style Sheet Switcher version 1.1 Oct 10th, 2006
    //Author: Dynamic Drive:
    //Usage terms:

    var manual_or_random="manual" //"manual" or "random"
    var randomsetting="3 days" //"eachtime", "sessiononly", or "x days (replace x with desired integer)". Only applicable if mode is random.

    //////No need to edit beyond here//////////////

    function getCookie(Name) {
    var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
    if (document·cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
    return document·cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
    return null

    function setCookie(name, value, days) {
    var expireDate = new Date()
    //set "expstring" to either future or past date, to set or delete cookie, respectively
    var expstring=(typeof days!="undefined")? expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+parseInt(days)) : expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()-5)
    document·cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/";

    function deleteCookie(name){
    setCookie(name, "moot")

    function setStylesheet(title, randomize){ //Main stylesheet switcher function. Second parameter if defined causes a random alternate stylesheet (including none) to be enabled
    var i, cacheobj, altsheets=[""]
    for(i=0; (cacheobj=document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) {
    if(cacheobj.getAttribute("rel").toLowerCase()=="alternate stylesheet" && cacheobj.getAttribute("title")) { //if this is an alternate stylesheet with title
    cacheobj.disabled = true
    altsheets.push(cacheobj) //store reference to alt stylesheets inside array
    if(cacheobj.getAttribute("title") == title) //enable alternate stylesheet with title that matches parameter
    cacheobj.disabled = false //enable chosen style sheet
    if (typeof randomize!="undefined"){ //if second paramter is defined, randomly enable an alt style sheet (includes non)
    var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*altsheets.length)
    return (typeof randomize!="undefined" && altsheets[randomnumber]!="")? altsheets[randomnumber].getAttribute("title") : "" //if in "random" mode, return "title" of randomly enabled alt stylesheet

    function chooseStyle(styletitle, days){ //Interface function to switch style sheets plus save "title" attr of selected stylesheet to cookie
    if (document.getElementById){
    setCookie("mysheet", styletitle, days)

    function indicateSelected(element){ //Optional function that shows which style sheet is currently selected within group of radio buttons or select menu
    if (selectedtitle!=null && (element.type==undefined || element.type=="select-one")){ //if element is a radio button or select menu
    var element=(element.type=="select-one") ? element.options : element
    for (var i=0; i<element.length; i++){
    if (element[i].value==selectedtitle){ //if match found between form element value and cookie value
    if (element[i].tagName=="OPTION") //if this is a select menu
    else //else if it's a radio button

    if (manual_or_random=="manual"){ //IF MANUAL MODE
    var selectedtitle=getCookie("mysheet")
    if (document.getElementById && selectedtitle!=null) //load user chosen style sheet from cookie if there is one stored
    else if (manual_or_random=="random"){ //IF AUTO RANDOM MODE
    if (randomsetting=="eachtime")
    setStylesheet("", "random")
    else if (randomsetting=="sessiononly"){ //if "sessiononly" setting
    if (getCookie("mysheet_s")==null) //if "mysheet_s" session cookie is empty
    document·cookie="mysheet_s="+setStylesheet("", "random")+"; path=/" //activate random alt stylesheet while remembering its "title" value
    setStylesheet(getCookie("mysheet_s")) //just activate random alt stylesheet stored in cookie
    else if (^[1-9]+ days/i)!=-1){ //if "x days" setting
    if (getCookie("mysheet_r")==null || parseInt(getCookie("mysheet_r_days"))!=parseInt(randomsetting)){ //if "mysheet_r" cookie is empty or admin has changed number of days to persist in "x days" variable
    setCookie("mysheet_r", setStylesheet("", "random"), parseInt(randomsetting)) //activate random alt stylesheet while remembering its "title" value
    setCookie("mysheet_r_days", randomsetting, parseInt(randomsetting)) //Also remember the number of days to persist per the "x days" variable
    setStylesheet(getCookie("mysheet_r")) //just activate random alt stylesheet stored in cookie

    Now go back to the overall_header template. Directly below the previous code you put in there, paste this one. Then get the URL of the JS page you created and paste it where it says "JSADDRESHERE."

    <script src="JSADDRESSHERE" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Now you make the actual "switches" for the theme changer. You can put this wherever you want, but I'd recommend putting somewhere in the <body></body> potion of the code. Only change the theme names here, nothing else. You can add more stylesheets, just remember to change the value if you do.

    <form id="switchform">

    <!-- Theme 1 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme1" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 1 Name

    <!-- Theme 2 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme2" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 2 Name

    <!-- Theme 3 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme3" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 3 Name

    Your theme changer should now be working. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    Wait a sec, you mentioned Templates! I'm not sure I can do that. scratch I have a phpBB3 forum Shit
    LH Justin
    LH Justin

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by LH Justin August 3rd 2011, 2:59 am

    The Divine Clutch wrote:Wait a sec, you mentioned Templates! I'm not sure I can do that. scratch I have a phpBB3 forum Shit
    Well you can't use that method. :/
    coco moco
    coco moco

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by coco moco August 3rd 2011, 3:27 am

    It's not something I've wanted to do on forumotion, but as I see it, using the the techniques you outline LH, he could either put the buttons to change the theme in his navbar, footer, or better yet a widget?

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by yamasaki4 August 3rd 2011, 4:13 pm

    The knowledge to do it.


    Last edited by yamasaki4 on August 11th 2011, 1:09 pm; edited 2 times in total
    coco moco
    coco moco

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    multiple themes - Add multi-themes to my forum Empty Re: Add multi-themes to my forum

    Post by coco moco August 3rd 2011, 9:16 pm

    I may be being dim here, as I often am with jscript Very Happy, but surely if the following code goes into jscript management and is made available for all pages it's being linked to in the head? Therefore, on phpbb3 you just need to put in the jscript management?

    //Style Sheet Switcher version 1.1 Oct 10th, 2006
    //Author: Dynamic Drive:
    //Usage terms:

    var manual_or_random="manual" //"manual" or "random"
    var randomsetting="3 days" //"eachtime", "sessiononly", or "x days (replace x with desired integer)". Only applicable if mode is random.

    //////No need to edit beyond here//////////////

    function getCookie(Name) {
    var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
    if (document·cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
    return document·cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
    return null

    function setCookie(name, value, days) {
    var expireDate = new Date()
    //set "expstring" to either future or past date, to set or delete cookie, respectively
    var expstring=(typeof days!="undefined")? expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+parseInt(days)) : expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()-5)
    document·cookie = name+"="+value+"; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString()+"; path=/";

    function deleteCookie(name){
    setCookie(name, "moot")

    function setStylesheet(title, randomize){ //Main stylesheet switcher function. Second parameter if defined causes a random alternate stylesheet (including none) to be enabled
    var i, cacheobj, altsheets=[""]
    for(i=0; (cacheobj=document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) {
    if(cacheobj.getAttribute("rel").toLowerCase()=="alternate stylesheet" && cacheobj.getAttribute("title")) { //if this is an alternate stylesheet with title
    cacheobj.disabled = true
    altsheets.push(cacheobj) //store reference to alt stylesheets inside array
    if(cacheobj.getAttribute("title") == title) //enable alternate stylesheet with title that matches parameter
    cacheobj.disabled = false //enable chosen style sheet
    if (typeof randomize!="undefined"){ //if second paramter is defined, randomly enable an alt style sheet (includes non)
    var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*altsheets.length)
    return (typeof randomize!="undefined" && altsheets[randomnumber]!="")? altsheets[randomnumber].getAttribute("title") : "" //if in "random" mode, return "title" of randomly enabled alt stylesheet

    function chooseStyle(styletitle, days){ //Interface function to switch style sheets plus save "title" attr of selected stylesheet to cookie
    if (document.getElementById){
    setCookie("mysheet", styletitle, days)

    function indicateSelected(element){ //Optional function that shows which style sheet is currently selected within group of radio buttons or select menu
    if (selectedtitle!=null && (element.type==undefined || element.type=="select-one")){ //if element is a radio button or select menu
    var element=(element.type=="select-one") ? element.options : element
    for (var i=0; i<element.length; i++){
    if (element[i].value==selectedtitle){ //if match found between form element value and cookie value
    if (element[i].tagName=="OPTION") //if this is a select menu
    else //else if it's a radio button

    if (manual_or_random=="manual"){ //IF MANUAL MODE
    var selectedtitle=getCookie("mysheet")
    if (document.getElementById && selectedtitle!=null) //load user chosen style sheet from cookie if there is one stored
    else if (manual_or_random=="random"){ //IF AUTO RANDOM MODE
    if (randomsetting=="eachtime")
    setStylesheet("", "random")
    else if (randomsetting=="sessiononly"){ //if "sessiononly" setting
    if (getCookie("mysheet_s")==null) //if "mysheet_s" session cookie is empty
    document·cookie="mysheet_s="+setStylesheet("", "random")+"; path=/" //activate random alt stylesheet while remembering its "title" value
    setStylesheet(getCookie("mysheet_s")) //just activate random alt stylesheet stored in cookie
    else if (^[1-9]+ days/i)!=-1){ //if "x days" setting
    if (getCookie("mysheet_r")==null || parseInt(getCookie("mysheet_r_days"))!=parseInt(randomsetting)){ //if "mysheet_r" cookie is empty or admin has changed number of days to persist in "x days" variable
    setCookie("mysheet_r", setStylesheet("", "random"), parseInt(randomsetting)) //activate random alt stylesheet while remembering its "title" value
    setCookie("mysheet_r_days", randomsetting, parseInt(randomsetting)) //Also remember the number of days to persist per the "x days" variable
    setStylesheet(getCookie("mysheet_r")) //just activate random alt stylesheet stored in cookie

    The links for the alternate CSS need to go somewhere, so why can't they go in the homepage message? The div that get's activated can be over-ridden with an inline style.

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme1" href="CSS1" />

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme2" href="CSS2" />

    <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="theme3" href="CSS3 />

    The form itself is down to personal preference where it goes, but it should be able to go straight in a widget, or the homepage message, or a footer, with a little tweaking a drop down menu in the navbar, with a little more jscript, it could be added to the linklist/replace the linklist/replace the search that lives under the navbar.

    <form id="switchform">

    <!-- Theme 1 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme1" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 1 Name

    <!-- Theme 2 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme2" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 2 Name

    <!-- Theme 3 -->
    <input type="radio" name="choice" value="theme3" onClick="chooseStyle(this.value, 60)">Theme 3 Name

    My preference would be a widget, but only because of ease of styling the form (instead of radials, you could have pictures and things Smile )

    I'm probably missing something very obvious, though.