Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Hitskin_logo

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    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.

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    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Empty Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.

    Post by Nabus Tue Dec 06 2011, 05:18

    Hello, I would like to increase the amount of characters that are able to be placed inside ones signature. Right now it's at 1000 characters. I know that seems like a lot but I run a RPG site and would like for my players to list some info there for easy access so that I don't always have to refer back to their character sheet to see some of the info.

    As they are progressing they are needing the space and I can't figure out how to manipulate it anymore. I have thought about using text boxes and scroll boxes but it doesn't matter.

    If this is possible please let me know.

    Also speaking about character sheets, when I access their character sheet from the link under thier Avatar I get all broken links inside their character sheet and it erases the data. (another reason why having some important info in the signature is useful) If this is something that I am doing wrong please inform me.

    I am using invision if that matters, thank you.

    Male Posts : 51520
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    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Empty Re: Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.

    Post by SLGray Tue Dec 06 2011, 05:30

    Sorry but there is no way to increase the character limit in signatures.

    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Slgray10

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    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Empty Re: Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.

    Post by Nabus Tue Dec 06 2011, 05:31

    slg wrote:Sorry but there is no way to increase the character limit in signatures.

    I was afraid of that, thanks.

    What about my other issues?

    Male Posts : 51520
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    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Empty Re: Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.

    Post by SLGray Tue Dec 06 2011, 05:35

    Could you explain a little more what the second issue is?

    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Slgray10

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    Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.  Empty Re: Signature Length, How to increase the amount of characters? And character sheet problems.

    Post by Nabus Tue Dec 06 2011, 06:24

    When I click on the character sheet link of the player that is located under the Avatar it gives me broken links in the character sheet and it erases the data in the character sheet.