Major problems staying logged in at my forums Hitskin_logo

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    Major problems staying logged in at my forums

    Bill Cahill
    New Member

    Male Posts : 15
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    Major problems staying logged in at my forums Empty Major problems staying logged in at my forums

    Post by Bill Cahill January 10th 2012, 3:23 pm

    I've tried changing my password, I've tried checking for viruses, everything!
    I have checkbox always checked for auto log in.
    Two things happen.
    For my received mail, sometimes, I'm still logged in, sometimes I'm logged back out.
    Going directly to the site, I am always having to log back in.
    Even if I only leave for a few seconds, I always have to log back in.
    What do I do?
    Bill Cahill

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Major problems staying logged in at my forums Empty Re: Major problems staying logged in at my forums

    Post by MrMario January 11th 2012, 12:43 am

    Active Poster

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    Major problems staying logged in at my forums Empty Re: Major problems staying logged in at my forums

    Post by !_NICK_! January 11th 2012, 1:22 am

    Once you clear them don't clear your cookies no more. Your cookies is what keeps you auto logged in.