The Anti-Registration Act (commonly the ARA) Hitskin_logo

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    The Anti-Registration Act (commonly the ARA)

    New Member

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    The Anti-Registration Act (commonly the ARA) Empty The Anti-Registration Act (commonly the ARA)

    Post by TrubieLever January 31st 2012, 12:13 am

    Choice of the category: Art & Culture

    Choice of a title: The Anti-Registration Act (commonly the ARA)

    Forum address:

    Main language: English

    Forum description: The ARA is a place for discussing comic books, television, music, anime, and various aspects of nerd/geek culture. With an active membership and plenty of goodies to discover once you register (and more as you become a veteran) it's clear why we've been going strong for years. Our interests tend toward Western Comic Books but anime and manga discussion is lively as well. We also enjoy Video Games, good TV, music, and anything else that's fun or nerdy.