Totally stuck, unable to login, unable to recall my username. Hitskin_logo

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    Totally stuck, unable to login, unable to recall my username.

    New Member

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    In progress Totally stuck, unable to login, unable to recall my username.

    Post by Phippy December 14th 2013, 7:38 am


    This is going to sound totally stupid, and for that, I am sorry.

    I recently have been shopping around for a forum hosting site, and found this one. I set one up, checked its features, and moved on to another site. After looking at more then a dozen sites, I finally decided to stick with this one. the problem? I forgot my login info. What completely sends me off the deep end is, there is no simple "Put in your email address and we will send you the info" option. It requires me to know my username, which I don't. Normally I remember it as I only use a few different ones. Im not sure if my account was removed due to inactiveness as it has been maybe a month since I created it and did nothing with it, or if I just totally spaced out. Either way, can I get my info sent to me? or am I just totally out of luck?


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    In progress Re: Totally stuck, unable to login, unable to recall my username.

    Post by SLGray December 14th 2013, 10:12 am

    Please read this - .  You will need one more post to send a private message.

    You should have received an email when you created your forum.  If you just created the forum and did not uses it, then more likely the username is Admin.

    Totally stuck, unable to login, unable to recall my username. Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.
    Serpent Saint
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    In progress Re: Totally stuck, unable to login, unable to recall my username.

    Post by Serpent Saint December 23rd 2013, 12:54 am

    A very common problem, it seems.