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    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi April 5th 2014, 12:34 am

    Hi Very Happy

    Choice of the category: Games & RPG

    Choice of a title: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Forum address: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/

    Main language: English

    Forum description: This academy is focused on providing better area for Yu-gi-oh! users to express their ideas on deck knowledge, debates on cards and many more which tackles Yu-gi-oh!
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi April 22nd 2014, 8:55 am

    Hi Very Happy

    Due to my absence in making the academy for almost 3 weeks, I have gathered staff members to fix everything regarding posts. I am also updating some codes due to the DOM update Forumotion had.

    Lastly, more features will be added and that V2 is currently being worked on.

    Note: I have NOT started the place yet so please refrain from registering until I give the go signal. You should also be aware that the academy provides coding requests, but not tutorials (Unless our codists feel like it) so if you have problems with coding and do not wish to put it here in Forumotion, please feel free to register and ask there (Take note of the go signal again please) .

    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi April 26th 2014, 8:17 pm

    Hi Very Happy

    Ladies and gentlemen, duelists and non-duelists of all ages, we are proud to announce that YGODA has finally started!

    http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t14-ygoda-guide#76 Please read our YGODA Guide for Yu-gi-oh! players and for non-Yu-gi-oh! players, please take note of the following:

    • You are allowed to request graphics from us
    • You are allowed to request codes from us

    Also, to those who I'm currently helping, I'm on the site Wink , so please register there if you have questions answer them there temporarily for now!

    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi April 27th 2014, 8:12 pm

    Hi Very Happy

    For those who wish to ask for tutorials from me via private message, please consider joining the site so that I can save my inbox space.

    Anyway, apart from that, our academy has opted to start of with...

    YGODA's First Official Tournament: The Corrupted Disease

    Now what is it, exactly? Well, you can actually locate it in this link here: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t47-ygoda-s-first-official-tournament-the-corrupted-disease-registration-thread#113 but of course, you have to register first.

    Note: You need to have Dueling Network as your system.

    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi April 30th 2014, 11:19 am

    Hi Very Happy

    YGODA Pro Updates!

    So wassup people?! Anyway, we've got some FANTASTIC news! First off, we would like to thank all the people who have supported our site from the beginning!

    Now, what exactly is new once more in YGODA? Well, first off, we would like to say that our activity has BOOMED for the past few days and we WILL continue on trying our best to maintain or double, or triple our activity! That's right, YGODA is going stronger than ever and it's all thanks to YOU, you loyal members who have endlessly supported our site and for the people who have asked a Litton of questions about it Smile!

    So, let's start off with our major events:

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy B2Xq1y9

    So basically, the registration for the YGODA Corrupted Disease Tournament is STILL on going because the tournament will start exactly on MAY 3, 2014. Also, the decks are being debated on and will be randomized for EACH player and instead of having the registration date end during May 3, 2014, it will be in May 2 instead because we need time to deliberate on the decks.

    Unto the next main attraction:

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy 3HlK9e3

    Our dice roll games are on our way! Please read the rules because the games we have are NOT the conventional dice roll games you're used to Smile.

    Of course, where would we be if we don't have this! :

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy WWqFx75

    As of now, our site is ACCEPTING affiliation requests through Yu-gi-oh! and NON-Yu-gi-oh! related FORUMOTION forums. The acceptance of other hosting sites such as Weebly, WordPress, and vbulletin is still under consideration but the chances of that are slim.

    So now that you know about our latest updates, please consider joining our awesome academy!

    Reminder: Our place is not specific to Yu-gi-oh! only as we also do coding and graphics requests there.
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi May 11th 2014, 11:13 am

    Hi Very Happy

    YGODA Pro Updates II!

    Hey, everyone! Once again, YGODA has some news once more! That's right, our place just keeps on getting bigger, better, and more smashing than ever!!!

    Okay, to start off, we would like to thank all the individuals who have helped us so far, especially LG from AvacWeb and Ange Tuteur of the English Support Forum in helping us with some of our glitches and a yell to Slenderman and Bingo for their outstanding contribution to our site as our co-administrators!

    We would also like to thank Dolan for contributing to our site as a moderator and keeping everyone in check along with winning the first duel in our war against North Academy and so many more personalities!

    YGODA's Current Status

    Hello YGODA members! We have some announcement and updates to address. First off, lets introduce the four newly added staff members.

    Slenderman~> Moderator ~> Administrator
    B@TMAN ~> Teacher ~> Moderator
    ! Duelist ! ~> Teacher ~> Moderator(His color will not show)
    Sailor Moon ~> Teacher

    Hope you serve YGODA well!

    Furthermore, we will be starting on the staff applications. It will be done sometime next week. Do not pester an Admin for the date.

    YGODA Wars, Affiliations and Events
    We will be having a war with NA(North Academy) and VDA(Vylon Duel Academy). Support YGODA with cheers!
    NA- Saturday, 5/10/14
    VDA- To be announced

    We finally affiliated with our first forum! North Academy. Greet them with a big welcome to our community. We have also affiliated with Vylon Dueling Academy! Cheers for the Nations :wouhou: !

    Also, events are being made as we speak! Each event will be more unique than the last. We will make YGODA more fun and interactive by the day.They will be announced some time this summer! Stay tuned YGODA.

    The Corrupted Disease is finally almost ready! The tournament will most likely begin on Sunday, 10/11/14. We will be accepting any active members to participate and take out the inactive ones.

    YGODA GFX, Shop, Dice Game and Movie Night

    We have finally updated the banner! The old disgusting banner is no more. We have updated it with a better looking banner. Also, we have implemented the ranking images. Credits to Pizza Boi.

    YGODA has finally opened up there shop! In the shop, members can buy perks and items that can benefit you in every way. Located here:

    Dice games and Movie night is now underway, Movie nights will be every Saturday at around 6 or 7 PM (EST). Dice games will be posted periodically. So stayed alert.

    Dice games: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/f20-dice-rolls
    Movie Night Suggestions: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t178-movie-night-suggestions-2#980

    New Retired Staff Policy and Guide

    A new staff policy has been added. Any retired staff member who contributed to YGODA will be placed into Horakhty. Also, the Guide has been updated to match our current staff and information.

    Guide: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t14-ygoda-guide

    The Menu and Header

    We made navigation even easier. We implemented a menu widget at the left corner of the forum. This was done for organization and easy navigation. Also, the header was finally fixed by Pizza Boi.

    That is all for now. Stay tuned for more of YGODA's updates and announcements. Have fun and enjoy!

    Hashtag and Advanced Tagging System

    There are 2 features which have been debugged and fixed and that's the famous Hashtag and Advanced Tagging System!

    You may all be familiar with these systems, correct? Now, let us brief you about this. The hashtag system will be used in order to search for topics easier and this is an example:


    Note: All variables or messages starting with '#' will now be considered as hashtag for all of us, including the staff.

    Another thing is the advanced tagging system we have, it is like the feature in Facebook but we are using the LGBB parser code for this since the OLD Advanced Tagging System required DOM and with the new update, the DOM Google external server does not work anymore.

    We would also like to thank LGBB for fixing this!

    This is an example of how you tag someone:

    @Pizza Boi

    After months (1, lol), we have that feature already so please enjoy using them, just remember to not abuse them Wink. We have null the features in the chat box so we won't get myriads of notifications for errors.

    Achievements List

    In our academy, with Slenderman and Mr. Noodles effort, we managed to implement the Achievement System finally!







    Holiday Achievements:

    Chat Moderator:

    Random Achievements (Worth Nothing):


    Admins, stay alert! Do not miss ANY of these achievements.

    To members: if you would like to tell an admin to give you the achievement PM Mr. Noodles or Slenderman. Thank you~

    Staff Application: 5/14

    For the first time in our academy, we will officially be hiring a few active and contributing member to be a part of our great staff and for this purpose ALONE, we have officially opened our Announcement area so that you may post your applications here; however, please take note that to apply, you must meet our requirements first as each position is applicable for a specific group.

    Moderator Requirements

    • MUST be a teacher
    • Must have reached a total of 30 posts in our academy
    • Must have the general experience by providing screenshots of the academy(ies) they have moderated in
    • Must have read all rules and regulations in the academy and UNDERSTAND them by heart

    Teacher Requirements

    • MUST have Dueling Network as their main dueling system
    • Must have a total of 20 posts before applying
    • You will be taking a ruling quiz and you must AT LEAST get 60% correct
    • Must have the general experience by providing screenshots of the academy(ies) they have taught in
    • Must have read all rules and regulations in the academy and UNDERSTAND them by heart

    Assistants Requirements

    • For graphics designer: You MUST post a maximum of 2 signatures you have made to validate this position and I will judge if you get it
    • Must have a total of 20 posts before applying
    • Must have the general experience by providing screenshots of the academy(ies) they have taught in
    • Must have read all rules and regulations in the academy and UNDERSTAND them by heart

    Posting Format

    [b][color=#ff0000]DN Name:[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#99cc00]How much time you can dedicate in the academy:[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#ff0000]Screenshot of DN Profile (For All - Remove this message in the bracket):[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#99cc00]Signature (For Graphics Designers only - Remove this message in the bracket):[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#ff0000]Screenshot of proof for teaching/moderation/assisting (Choose one among the 3 for screenshot proof AND if this is your first time, you do not need to post a screenshot - Remove this message in the bracket):[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#66cc00]Other Forumotion sites you've worked in:[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#ff0000]Position you're applying for:[/color][/b]

    What it looks like:

    DN Name:
    How much time you can dedicate in the academy:
    Screenshot of DN Profile (For All - Remove this message in the bracket):
    Signature (For Graphics Designers only - Remove this message in the bracket):
    Screenshot of proof for teaching/moderation/assisting (Choose one among the 3 for screenshot proof AND if this is your first time, you do not need to post a screenshot - Remove this message in the bracket):
    Other Forumotion sites you've worked in:
    Position you're applying for:

    Example of HOW it should look like:

    DN Name: YGODA Helper
    How much time you can dedicate in the academy: 8 to 15 hours a day
    Screenshot of DN Profile: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy 4ztjxh2
    Signature: N/A (ALWAYS N/A if you're not applying for Graphics Designer - Assistant position)
    Screenshot of proof for teaching/moderation/assisting: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy W6DyFTA
    Other Forumotion sites you've worked in:French Support Official Manager/Moderablog (You should include what position)
    Position you're applying for: Moderator

    And that's about it, please take note once again of the requirements! And one last thing, you're still required to recruit if ever.

    YGODA Staff

    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi May 13th 2014, 5:23 pm

    [Security Update] DMCA Protection

    Hello Guest,

    You may have noticed the new widget installed on the upper left corner of our forum; however, if you have not, this is what we are pertaining to:
    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Dmca_p10

    As you all know, Forumotion in general take action whenever plagiarism or what we laymen prefer calling 'Stealing'; however, it does not hurt to take our security up a notch, does it not?

    From this post and an interval of 48 hours, YGODA will finally be verified as a part of DMCA's protected websites!

    What is DMCA?

    DMCA .com is the global leader in DMCA Copyright Infringement Takedowns. We get stolen content removed. It's 100% Guaranteed - or you get your money back.

    DMCA .com can help with stolen blog content, videos, pictures, websites, games and more. Any country, any content, anywhere. This is what our team of professionals do everyday.

    Why is DMCA important for YGODA?

    Before, there have been cases of 'Banner Stealing' -- whether the banner has a watermark or not -- which of course are being dealt with by the General Support Forum or what people call ESF/FSF/SSF etc.; however, the process takes awhile considering that all reports are being filed to the Litigation Team which will then be processed by Online Guardian in order to shutdown the forum -- which by the way is very hard to contest once your forum gets hit -- without warning.

    Now, how is it exactly important for us? Well, Guest, it is very important because YGODA is well known to be one of the most advanced and well designed Forumotion forums occupying the Yu-gi-oh! Arts and Leisure rank and because of this, few forums -- will not be named to apply discretion -- have been stealing our banner(s), codes, other immaterial contents which have been dealt with recently. In order to prevent the future charade(s) from escalating and lasting longer, we have applied our forum to be under the protection of DMCA which will then provide us impeccable service along with the Litigation Team and Online Guardian of Forumotion to keep YGODA a safe environment.

    How does this work exactly?

    YGODA along with its database have been recorded in Pizza Boi's server as well as DMCA's server to check if a content of our site have been stolen and once proven that a site has stolen OR used our intellectual property, we will have the option of either taking down the thief's/thieves' site(s) by using the services of Forumotion or DMCA.

    Unfortunately, YGODA must always take immediate action so we will be using DMCA's services to catch the thief and to continue on keeping our forum safe.


    Once the thief/thieves has/have been caught, YGODA reserves the right to file a litigation report or direct this on court as we are and all websites are protected by this law:

    No possible reproduction without our agreement, pursuant to article L122-1 of the intellectual property code.

    And we are definitely proud to present our DMCA badge being this:

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Dmca_c10

    To finish off, YGODA will continue on providing a safe and friendly environment improving, always, so rest assured that any member along with the forum will be safe!

    Come on and join our site!!!

    YGODA Staff
    Pizza Boi
    Pizza Boi

    Male Posts : 2016
    Reputation : 160
    Language : French
    Location : Pizza Hut!

    Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy Empty Re: Yu-gi-oh! Duel Academy

    Post by Pizza Boi May 17th 2014, 1:33 pm

    Hi Very Happy

    Just a few announcements to quote~

    YGODA Weekly Tournament #1

    For the first time in YGODA, we will finally start holding our Weekly Tournament!

    Now, we all know that some of you still have questions as to what is this so please read the following texts with understanding Smile.

    What is YGODA Weekly Tournament?

    This tournament is a one week event with specific rules per each one of them. On another note, the registration actually takes a maximum of two days and the actual tournament will be held for five days.

    If found that the tournament is inactive and cannot be accomplished for the week, we will have no alternative but to extend it for another week and then there will be a three days periodical rest for each interval for the next tournament; however, we may not be able to host it during that time so please wait for further announcement.

    Is there a possibility I will get a ban if I don't compete in this one?

    Talking about bans, no you cannot be banned. We all have our own lives; however, you can be banned for other reasons and that is up to the judge/host of the tournament.

    Are we following Konami's official tournament rules?

    Yes, we are; however, that's legally mostly for TCG so we will have to make our own set of rules for OCG.


    Format: Match
    Banlist: April 2014
    Card Update: Yes
    Banlist Update: Yes
    Siding: Yes
    Deck change after match win: No
    Deck change after match loss: No
    Banned decks: Alternative win decks (Stall, burn, lock, FTK, etc.)

    Note: Each weekly rules MAY differ from the last one so this is not a permanent mechanic.

    Registration Format

    I will no longer make a registration page for this since I will just clean the topic after the registrations are over.

    Note: Registration will end on Monday (17.5.14) and please follow the format below -

    [b][color=#ffff00]DN Name:[/color][/b]
    [b][color=#cc66ff]Communication system:[/color][/b]


    Come on and join our Weekly!

    #2 We are officially accepting suggestions for our next version! Please feel free to suggest here: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t257-ygoda-version-ii-suggestion-announcement

    Anything that makes Yu-gi-oh! day better makes the dueling community swagger Wink .

    #3 Staff Update: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t238-staff-update-5-13-14

    Please read our staff update so you will know that we are STILL looking for staff: http://ygoda.forumtl.com/t200-staff-application-5-14

    As much as possible, if you're going to apply, you actually play Yu-gi-oh! and have contributed to the community already other than blatantly applying on it Wink .

    #4 We have done many more DN Lives and the corrupted disease is ALREADY in the semi-finals! Hip hip hooray for the duelists!

    #5 We have FINISHED updating our current skin to match those in favor of ALL the Yu-gi-oh! fans AND other anime fans of our site Wink .

    #6 Due to the efforts of Zander, we have managed to recruit a total of 20+ people for the past 36 hours and that is by ONE man alone. Thank you, Zander, for contributing so much in our community!

    That's all for our updates~ Hopefully you'll consider joining our site I love you :rose: .

    Pizza Boi