Helping making a midevil theme.... Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Helping making a midevil theme....


    Posts : 82
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Helping making a midevil theme.... Empty Helping making a midevil theme....

    Post by ninjaslice August 26th 2014, 6:08 pm

    Hi all....

    I was wondering, Could anyone help me make a medieval Theme for my forums? I am not good at 
    Making themes lol, so I was hoping you could help me or someone make me a medieval Theme....

    I would like the theme darkish and not light Smile I already started it but I am not good lol take a look:

    As you can tell... I am trying to make the wood look good etc. But I mean the World of Warcraft theme... I need something better imo.

    So if there is someone who could make me like a dark wood medieval theme that would be awesome (including the buttons etc pls!)

    OR... if someone could teach me that would be awesome Smile 

    I tried looking at all the Hitskin themes, none of them were medieval Really......

    Thanks for your time!

    NOTE: if like a mod+ of this forum would need my Password to put it in or something... I would be more then happy to, I already did it with APE and APE helped me out with the Chat box  groar

    Male Posts : 51520
    Reputation : 3519
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Helping making a midevil theme.... Empty Re: Helping making a midevil theme....

    Post by SLGray August 26th 2014, 6:32 pm

    This section is for support, not graphic requests.  Also we do not do whole theme requests.  Please checkout the promotion section for forums that offer this service.

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    Helping making a midevil theme.... Slgray10

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