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    Total Votes: 14

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    Post by KPOP Sun 27 Dec - 22:34


    I would like to suggest that forumotion should add the feature to be able to get notified when someone has quoted one of your posts
    Why? let me explain

    i am sure i am not the only one around here who uses all types of forums
    hosted on free websites like forumotion and proboards but also forums build on paid forum software such as xenforo, invision powerboard etc

    Those who do so, aren't you guys used to seeing notifications when someone quotes you in a thread on other type of forums (like made on xenforo, proboards, ipb, mybb etc)?  Have you never come across a situation on forumotion you saw someone replied to your post by quoting you but they did not tag you and so you only find out way later?

    Wouldn't you and don't you like to know if someone has replied to your post so you could have interesting conversation continuesly in a quick matter without having to spit through threads all the time just to check to see if someone spotted your post and replied? I mean not everyone knows you HAVE TO tag to be able to notify someone, especially if you new to forumotion   
    OK SURE we do have the mention/tag system here and that is good and can also notify someone of getting a reply 
    but a lot of people who will come to your forumotion forum but being used to other type of forums who do have the notification quote feature .... people who got no forumotion experience could and will be missing out on so many quoted posts because they simply do not know your forumotion forum won't notify when quoted.

    Getting notified by getting quoted was even a part of forum systems (on other softwares than what forumotion uses) before a whole mention system got created i think (correct me if i am wrong)

    Reasons why it is a handy and good feature to add:
    - WAY TOO MANY people are used to it coming to your forumotion forum from places like proboards, xenforo, ipb, mybb etc, so they do expect your forum to have it as well, they would not have a clue they need to tag someone to be able to notify them if they quote your message meaning people Could & WILL miss out on conversation more often than not
    - Not having this even though many forum users globally are used to seeing this feature on a forum would mean you would have to basically ''force'' it on your members to let them know in every way possible they have to tag people in every post if they want to reply to someone elses post and that Will eventually make some people not bother to get know your forum as they are be used to forums who do got this going
    - As far as i know , when you registered on forumotion, your settings are not set up that you auto watch every thread you reply to
    and even if it did, no one wants to be getting notifications of literally every thread they ever replied to.... getting notifications on its own by quoted messages means you will never be in the trouble of someone forgetting to tag you or in the case if you not watching the thread 
    - Not getting notifcations when quoted makes the whole quote feature in my opinion pretty useless to begin with ... because people have to tag you in order to let you know they quoted you......... i mean..... what's the use of quoting then? sure you can show them what part of the post you reacting to but you could also do that with just tagging and being specific with your words when you reply....

    so why have the quote feature but getting no notifications when you get quoted? Let's make it worthy by giving it a system that gives people notifications when quoted, giving the quote function the stability and quality it could and should have

    thank you and please vote!

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    Post by Ape Mon 28 Dec - 19:50

    I voted yes I think this is a good one to add to our system it would help I think we could even think about putting a setting so admin's could pick to have it on the forum or not.

    But yes you have my vote.

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    Notifications for Quoting Posts Ape_b110
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    Post by Mimóza Mon 28 Dec - 21:11

    Agreed, you got my vote. Notifications for Quoting Posts 1f607

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    Post by TheCrow Tue 29 Dec - 8:07

    You have my vote as well. This is a great idea that should already be in the forums.

    Notifications for Quoting Posts Thecro10
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    Post by KPOP Tue 29 Dec - 23:57

    @thecrow @Mimóza @ape
    thank you so much for voting and supporting this idea

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    The Godfather
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    Notifications for Quoting Posts Empty Re: Notifications for Quoting Posts

    Post by The Godfather Thu 31 Dec - 10:29

    I'm just raising a conflict:

    If a member can quote one of your messages, it means that you have already contributed to the topic. In this case, you are probably already following this topic and you will receive a notification regarding a new reply.

    Isn't it disturbing to receive 2 notifications for the same new message?

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    Notifications for Quoting Posts Empty Re: Notifications for Quoting Posts

    Post by TheCrow Thu 31 Dec - 11:19

    The Godfather wrote:I'm just raising a conflict:

    If a member can quote one of your messages, it means that you have already contributed to the topic. In this case, you are probably already following this topic and you will receive a notification regarding a new reply.

    Isn't it disturbing to receive 2 notifications for the same new message?
    But isn't that the same thing with the Tags?

    It could be simply an option where members can select or unselect as the rest. Personally I don't like the notification for new replies, so I have that off, so I get notifications only when tagged. But that's just me. If there was a notification for quotes I'd have that activated for sure. It's something everyone has nowadays. Smile


    Notifications for Quoting Posts Thecro10
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    Notifications for Quoting Posts Empty Re: Notifications for Quoting Posts

    Post by KPOP Thu 31 Dec - 15:39

    The Godfather wrote:I'm just raising a conflict:

    If a member can quote one of your messages, it means that you have already contributed to the topic. In this case, you are probably already following this topic and you will receive a notification regarding a new reply.

    Isn't it disturbing to receive 2 notifications for the same new message?
    first of all, thank you for checking this out, appreciate it
    secondly, this raises up a confusing thing for me when it comes to forumotion
    because i noticed sometimes when replying the ''notify me when a reply is posted'' underneath the post reply box is sometimes checked automatically and sometimes it is not
    so it is not like you ALWAYS auto subscribe/watch/follow a thread when you reply to ANY thread, right? you would have to actually check the notify box at the bottom when replying, right?

    i assume with ''follow'' you mean the person is watching the thread?
    but since that does not happen automatically (which it should not if you think about it, be pretty annoying if that happens as many forum users don't care for that and would find it annoying to unwatch threads all the time they do not want to watch, it should not be auto but an option)
    well in the case if you mean with ''follow'' - ''watching'' the thread, then how would people be notified if someone quotes them in a thread if they did not check the notify box in the bottom and if they also not clicked anywhere else in the thread options to watch it (plenty of people who are not used to forumotion won't even notice the notify box below the post reply box in the first place) nor would most people be tagging them when quoting at all because not every forum user does that , especially when they are quoting someone because anywhere else you go , you get notified when quoted so A LOT of forum users in general terms are not used to having to tag someone when quoting or else the person they quoting won't know they talking to them if not watching the thread....

    i really believe getting notified twice does not occur as often you might think, unless you are talking about people who literally watches all threads all the time they ever replied to and remember to check the notify people whenever they reply.... most forum users in general don't watch all threads they reply to right? but still most if not all would like to get notified when quoted/when someone tries to talk to them in a thread despite the fact they watching the thread or not.... or am i missing some info here?

    you say people may getting notified twice may be a problem but how would people get notified at all when they are quoted when not watching the thread and people forgetting to tag someone?

    like i explained before, you could be missing out on posts for real without this feature
    and the only way to solve it , surely, is by watching/following almost every thread
    BUT if you do that , as You said, people get notified when any new reply is posted in a thread they watching, would that not cause people to constantly get notified when anyone posts in such watched thread even though this person posting may not be talking to you at all? so getting notifications you don't care for constantly? or am i misunderstanding something here? honestly, tell me if that is the case

    if you meant by saying ''follow'' people will keep checking threads for reply..... believe me, most people are too lazy for that , as so am i
    and honestly should not be needed anyhow since every other place you go using another software has got this option going on, so people are not used to do such a thing in the first place, most forum users global wise speaking.

    bottom line, i am pretty sure i am not the only one around here who think's it would be a great feature to get notified when your posts are being quoted without having to watch a thread as not everyone wants to watch all thread all the time and getting notified of replies they do not care for. people only want to be notified when quoted or tagged basically, usually anyways.
    that is how it goes on all kinds of other forum software , it is a standard feature anywhere else you go, so why would forumotion not have it too? - not saying forumotion should be the same and less unique but not having this feature just makes little sense at all Sad
    it is great and handy thing and it will make forumotion even more awesome than it already is!

    thank you
    and im glad im not the only one who is aware of the fact basically almost every forum software out there has the feature where it shows notifications when quoted
    it makes little to no sense to me personally not to have it , sure its not the end of the world but it should be a basic feature to always have the option to get notified whenever people talk to you, whether it be tag wise or quote wise
    The Godfather
    The Godfather

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    Post by The Godfather Thu 31 Dec - 15:54

    I apologize for this off topic:

    A topic is not followed by default. You must therefore check the box manually to receive notifications about future replies.

    On the other hand there is a default option which makes that a member who answers in a topic follows it automatically. So there is a good chance that the box is checked on the topics in which you have posted and therefore that you will be notified of new replies.

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    Post by KPOP Thu 31 Dec - 16:51

    The Godfather wrote:I apologize for this off topic:

    A topic is not followed by default. You must therefore check the box manually to receive notifications about future replies.

    On the other hand there is a default option which makes that a member who answers in a topic follows it automatically. So there is a good chance that the box is checked on the topics in which you have posted and therefore that you will be notified of new replies.
    does that mean you will get notified of every single post in every thread you watch? even posts that do not involve you?
    sure some people are interested in reading and getting notified when stuff gets posted that doesn't concern them but plenty would and could be bothered by that though
    getting constantly notified of replies they do not care to read because nobody was talking to them (unless you thread owner)

    it makes more sense to only get notified when quoted or tagged as default option, as what probably 90% of forum users is used to being active on other places with different forum software where it is default to get notified when quoted

    and may i ask what default option you are talking about? where can i find that? what is it called?
    The Godfather
    The Godfather

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    Post by The Godfather Thu 31 Dec - 17:08

    I was talking about this option in each member's profile settings Wink

    Notifications for Quoting Posts Option10

    With the thousands of communities hosted on Forumotion, it is important to understand that there is no one way better than another. Each has their own needs and what is useful to one is often less useful to another.

    For some members, it is very convenient to receive a notification for each response. For other members, this is not the case. This is why everything is configurable.

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    Post by KPOP Thu 31 Dec - 17:22

    The Godfather wrote:I was talking about this option in each member's profile settings Wink

    Notifications for Quoting Posts Option10

    With the thousands of communities hosted on Forumotion, it is important to understand that there is no one way better than another. Each has their own needs and what is useful to one is often less useful to another.

    For some members, it is very convenient to receive a notification for each response. For other members, this is not the case. This is why everything is configurable.

    thanks for showing me
    i knew about that one but i thought notifications on the forum
    the email option is one that many do not enable i believe but that is my experience on forums
    makes more sense to even get bloated with notifications on the forum itself rather than in your email all the time but yeah xD

    and i totally get what you are saying
    things should be configurable for the most part
    i hope getting notifications for quoted messages becomes one of them

    Last edited by KPOP on Fri 1 Jan - 19:30; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by TheCrow Thu 31 Dec - 17:31

    The Godfather wrote:I was talking about this option in each member's profile settings Wink

    Notifications for Quoting Posts Option10

    With the thousands of communities hosted on Forumotion, it is important to understand that there is no one way better than another. Each has their own needs and what is useful to one is often less useful to another.

    For some members, it is very convenient to receive a notification for each response. For other members, this is not the case. This is why everything is configurable.
    I don't disagree with you on these points you are stating.

    My "two cents" if I may, in my case always, I don't like a lot of notifications. Therefore I have the basic ones. On really important topics I have the replies notifications activated on the rest it's just, tagged in them. And here also.

    The thing is, that before, the quotes weren't so "important" because people didn't really use the quotes that much. Now, with all the social platforms using quotes, people started to use the quotes more. And other forum hosts, have replies, tags and quotes also because quoting may be in an other topic.

    For example, something I say that someone likes and wants to help someone else, if they quote using my name I won't get notified which I should under the normal circumstances.


    Notifications for Quoting Posts Thecro10
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    Post by MattiaDes Fri 8 Jan - 10:33

    TheCrow wrote:Personally I don't like the notification for new replies, so I have that off, so I get notifications only when tagged.
    I think so too... and if I could by default I would have disabled that notification for all users. Especially on very active forums with a lot of comments it's annoying and not very useful to be notified for every new responses. The problem is that by default it's active for everyone
    The Godfather wrote:On the other hand there is a default option which makes that a member who answers in a topic follows it automatically. So there is a good chance that the box is checked on the topics in which you have posted and therefore that you will be notified of new replies.
    This is the annoying thing in my opinion... users should decide it for each topic and not that it's automatically enabled when they comment (On my forum users tend to comment on almost everything and not just the things that interest them, but they are not so ""expert"" to disable the option)

    The only one who should be notified for new responses (if interested) is the one who wrote that topic. For all others there are tags

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    Post by ChuckWheat Thu 28 Jan - 9:22

    As a new Forumotion user (but long-time forum user), I know most of my soon-to-be-joining members would prefer the simplicity of just going to look at new topics and posts on their own, based on their individual needs, than getting a flood of notifications and/or emails sent to them.

    As a board founder, if I had the ability to set all emails/notifications for member groups as an configuration (as opposed to having each individual member figure out the relevance of each choice, and make those configurations themselves), most of my members would really appreciate that...most have been using forums for 15+ years, and some may have some difficulties with excess information being sent to them.

    An alternative that may (or may not) work might be to have a AP toggle (Display/Generalities?) that the founders can use to manage these communications, based on the needs of their community. One option might be to use notifications you already have built in; another may be to get a "message-like" number on your Nav bar "Profile" whenever someone does something that the member may want to see, like notifying Admins of a pending registration, or anyone a "like", a "friend request", a "quote", being "tagged", etc. A third option may be using both systems...and a final option may be sending no systemic notifications at all.

    Just floating some ideas, in the interests of giving back to a great community.


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    Notifications for Quoting Posts Empty Re: Notifications for Quoting Posts

    Post by Ape Thu 28 Jan - 14:04

    I think it would be a good thing if you had the setting on your ACP and then the member can pick if you get this notification or not by their own profile or by the topic it's self but i think it would be more easy to just have the setting for each member on there notifications settings.

    That way you as the member would have the choice.

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    Post by ChuckWheat Thu 28 Jan - 19:37

    Ape wrote:I think it would be a good thing if you had the setting on your ACP and then the member can pick if you get this notification or not by their own profile or by the topic it's self but i think it would be more easy to just have the setting for each member on there notifications settings.

    That way you as the member would have the choice.
    I like your train of thought here, @ape.

    For our forum's Admin team, it's not about us "controlling" how our users can get information that is pertinent to them per se, but rather understanding user acceptance criteria within our group as we design and construct our board, and trying to plan according to their known needs.

    In that light, I think one way of addressing this challenge may be to have ACP configurations for a "default" member notification that Admins could set up as a standard basic configuration for all new members accounts.

    Then within their profile, individual members would retain the opportunity to configure notifications based on their own personal needs, or have an option to use a link to return their settings to the forum's default notification configuration.

    This approach would give Admins the ability to pick a general notification "scheme" for their forum (mentioned in previous post), and implement a "default" configuration that is based on the known/anticipated needs of their community. Equally, users would retain the ability to configure the details on the kinds of information they prefer to receive.

    I think something like this may translate into happier members, and less "hand holding" for staffers trying to help members figure out why they are getting so many notifications...or not getting the type of notifications they might customarily expect to get.

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    Post by SarkZKalie Fri 29 Jan - 17:26

    [quote="Ape"]I voted yes I think this is a good one to add to our system it would help I think we could even think about putting a setting so admin could pick to have it on the forum or not.

    But yes you have my vote.[/quote]

    Quote post already had a tag name inside. Ape could see a notification in this one below :

    quote="Ape" means @"Ape"

    Ape wrote:I voted yes I think this is a good one to add to our system it would help I think we could even think about putting a setting so admin could pick to have it on the forum or not.

    But yes you have my vote.

    Notifications for Quoting Posts Sarkzk10

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    Post by TheCrow Sat 30 Jan - 7:22

    SarkZKalie wrote:Quote post already had a tag name inside. Ape could see a notification in this one below :

    quote="Ape" means @"Ape"
    This doesn't give a notification though. Confused

    Notifications for Quoting Posts Thecro10
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