Changing Sticky Name Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Changing Sticky Name


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    Solved Changing Sticky Name

    Post by Mati Sat 28 Oct 2023 - 18:53

    I know where to change the name of Sticky, but the question is how to change name of Sticky on a specific topic for example in this section I have 4 sticky topics and one of them I want to change to ''Sticky Ads''

    Maybe a script can do this...

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    Solved Re: Changing Sticky Name

    Post by Razor12345 Sat 28 Oct 2023 - 19:22

    Good evening!

    Maybe a script can do this...


    I can't add a new category for topics to the existing list - if I add a new category for a topic, the server sends a response with a 301 error, which indicates that the topic type is bound to its publication.

    Changing Sticky Name Scree472

    Changing Sticky Name Scree473

    If such an innovation is really needed, you can go to the Suggestions section and suggest creating custom categories for topics, or using JS to handle an existing title. For example, a topic title has some specific word that will affect and change the topic category name.

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    Solved Re: Changing Sticky Name

    Post by Razor12345 Sat 4 Nov 2023 - 9:10

    Good afternoon!

    Would it suit you to write a tag in the topic title to change the category name of the topic?
    Or is your request complete?
    if your request is complete, please mark it as Solved.

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    Solved Re: Changing Sticky Name

    Post by Niko Sun 5 Nov 2023 - 14:11

    Coucou @Mati

    you can do it with a script code, but you will have to do it manually for each topic you want to replace the "Sticky" label Wink

    $(function() {
        var topic_id = 42;
        $(' dl.icon dd.dterm div.topic-title-container h2.topic-title a.topictitle[href*="/t'+topic_id+'-"]').parent().parent().parent().find('> strong').html('Sticky Ads');

    Just replace topic_id with the ID of the topic Hello

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    Male Posts : 1514
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    Solved Re: Changing Sticky Name

    Post by Razor12345 Tue 14 Nov 2023 - 8:01

    Good afternoon!

    It's been more than two weeks now. We have not heard back from the author.
    I'm closing the topic and moving it to the archive.

    If your problem is not solved - send me a private message and I will open this topic for further help.

    Problem solved & topic archived.
    Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

    Changing Sticky Name Screen51