Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Hitskin_logo

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    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?


    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by Brad38 August 11th 2008, 9:28 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering what your opinion is regarding automatic backups of your forum. I have mine set to automatically backup my forum but I'm beginning to wonder about some things.

    1) Does anyone know what time these backups occur at... are all forums backed up at the same time?
    2) Is it possible that these backups are the cause of the server problems that have been happening?

    I've noticed that nearly every night (my time here in Canada) around 9pm EST, my forum tends to slow down. I've also noticed that it's always been around this time that the major server problems and/or outages have started in the past.

    I'm just curious if there is a connection between the automatic backups and the slow downs and server crashes and outages. I wonder if I set my backups to be manual, if this might be better and avoid problems. I also have noticed that not all forumotion members are affected all the time by these server problems. Could it be these people do their backups manually?

    Your thoughts, ideas, insight?

    ***Sorry Nessa, wasn't sure where to post this, it's not really a problem or something that needs direct technical assistance, just a few things I wanted to ask the other members as well. ***

    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by Brad38 August 13th 2008, 5:12 pm

    Nobody has any thoughts on this???
    Smooth Operator
    Smooth Operator
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    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by Smooth Operator August 13th 2008, 7:15 pm

    Brad38 wrote:Hi everyone,

    I was wondering what your opinion is regarding automatic backups of your forum. I have mine set to automatically backup my forum but I'm beginning to wonder about some things.

    I'm just curious if there is a connection between the automatic backups and the slow downs and server crashes and outages. I wonder if I set my backups to be manual, if this might be better and avoid problems. I also have noticed that not all forumotion members are affected all the time by these server problems. Could it be these people do their backups manually?

    Your thoughts, ideas, insight?

    This interesting, my forum has only crashed twice since February and I DO find that remarkable - especially since I didn't lose any posts either time. (I Luv Forumotion!) However, I was going to ask about my automatic backups. It seems I have to do some of those manually because I am directed to this page
    to fill out my Login And Password info to authenticate but I get an error message that says: " The login and the password you specified are wrong."

    Now, I've dotted my I's crossed my "Ts" , even used different Messageboard versions.

    When I look in my Admin Panel, there is a list of automatic updates already added and to the right, it lists the time and date added, But no sign of the backup utility.

    Is it me or a glitch, or should I hang loose?

    But back to your thoughts, since it looks as though some of my backups are apparently manual, you may have brought up a good point.


    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by Brad38 August 14th 2008, 12:06 am

    Hi Smooth,

    Thanks for your reply....interesting indeed. I hope we will get some more feedback about this because I wonder if the automatic backups on everyone's forum, is what might be causing some of these problems that have been happening here.

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    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by GraphixQueen August 14th 2008, 1:44 am

    Mine does get VERY slow around the same time aswell.

    Male Posts : 667
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    Language : english

    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by Brad38 August 15th 2008, 10:51 pm

    Thanks for your input too, GraphixQueen...

    I just realized something actually....It doesn't appear that there is an option anymore whether or not to have automatic backups or not. Hmmmmm.....there used to be, I'm sure!!!!!!

    Male Posts : 667
    Reputation : 32
    Language : english

    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by Brad38 August 16th 2008, 3:50 am

    Well, nobody wanted to or chose to weigh in about my ideas or theories. Perhaps they are off base, but something is going on AGAIN!. Another weekend, another PROBLEM....It's becoming almost predictable, these problems and issues.Sad

    Posts : 145
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    Language : English

    Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons? Empty Re: Automatic backup Vs Manual Backup, pros and cons?

    Post by GraphixQueen August 16th 2008, 4:50 am

    I cant access anything in my admin panel..i think they are under!