Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel? Hitskin_logo

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    Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel?

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    Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel? Empty Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel?

    Post by Pheobsky September 19th 2008, 12:52 am

    Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel? or alternately, is it possible to make another user a secondary administrator?
    Gothic Princess
    Gothic Princess

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    Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel? Empty Re: Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel?

    Post by Gothic Princess September 19th 2008, 1:05 am

    No. mods cannot access admin panel my friend said
    and he also told me to let you know that you just have to move the user to the admin group to become a admin
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    Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel? Empty Re: Is there any way to enable moderators to use the admin panel?

    Post by RikaComet September 19th 2008, 1:10 am

    yeah its possible, give moderator the rank of admin by going to
    admin panel>> users and groups >> special rights and then chose the person!

    as for secondary admin , you can make them one by addding them to administrator group

    just click administrators in Legend of forum thats at the bottom of forum page, click add a new person , type the username of the person yo wish to make a secondry admin!