Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

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    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland October 28th 2008, 3:27 pm

    I have a little problem that I am hoping someone will be able to help me solve. On our Forum, (where I am ranked as Administrator through its owner), we have general statistics, these work well... but... They are showing statistics for the Lounge and Games area that is being visited the most. Also good, my problem with this is, we have eight boards on the site which should be our bread and butter. These are not being entered into the statistics--- meaning that we are doing something seriously wrong.

    My Inquiry:

    How can I delete certain Boards, so that they don't show up in the Statistics?

    an example of the boards which should be calculated would be:


    The other forums: The Lounge and Games should no longer be listed as they are not the main theme of the site.

    Any suggestions?

    Appreciate all infos, links, condolences!

    Greeting from Germany,


    Last edited by Outland on October 30th 2008, 5:50 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : grammer)
    New Member

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    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland October 28th 2008, 6:19 pm

    New Member

    Female Posts : 12
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    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland October 29th 2008, 7:48 pm

    I think this is a serious question... is anyone willing to give me an answer before I have to save the thread from page 2 and further, again?

    Would be appreciated.

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Sanket October 29th 2008, 8:02 pm

    First of all, the statistics don't show anything pertaining to a certain board.

    Administrative statistics
    Most active topics
    Most Viewed Topics
    Most active topic starters
    Top posting users this week
    Top posting users this month
    Top posters
    Number of new topics for the last 12 months
    Number of new posts for the last 12 months
    Number of new users for the last 12 months

    These are the only statistics that are being shown on my forum. Don't know how you get the lounge board in the statistics.
    New Member

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    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland October 30th 2008, 1:12 am

    Sanket wrote:First of all, the statistics don't show anything pertaining to a certain board.

    Administrative statistics
    Most active topics
    Most Viewed Topics
    Most active topic starters
    Top posting users this week
    Top posting users this month
    Top posters
    Number of new topics for the last 12 months
    Number of new posts for the last 12 months
    Number of new users for the last 12 months

    These are the only statistics that are being shown on my forum. Don't know how you get the lounge board in the statistics.

    Thank you for your reply!

    I know that the statistics don't pertain to certain boards, but the statistic inquiries and results are all reflecting on the Lounge and Games. This is due to the fact that the board was not being frequented for over a year regularly. Now the word is out and we have an enomous increase on Members, I would love to see where the most of them are and so.

    The inquiry-criteria to which the Statistics pertain, are reflecting the posts, threads, posters.... in the Lounge and Games boards. These numbers are extremely high. The other boards have only recently been populated and are producing many posts and threads. Still the difference between the Lounge and Games is so vast, that the other boards don't have a viable chance of showing up on the stats at all.

    That is why I am looking for a way to alter the Template. It is now important to see how much activity is coming from which boards, who is now the top poster and so on.

    Hope you can help!

    Thanx again for replying,

    New Member

    Female Posts : 12
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    Language : english

    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland October 30th 2008, 5:41 am

    Here is a build-up of my problem.

    In one thread there are over 1000 replies. These are in the Games and the Lounge sections of the Site. The main boards can not compete because none of these will ever have over a 1000 posts within one single topic.

    Most active Topics:
    1______________1082____________Animals A-Z
    2______________1071____________The Person Above Me Game
    3______________1070____________The Three-Word-Post Game
    4______________1054____________HAPPY HOUR
    5______________1053____________Movies from A-Z
    6______________1049____________Getting to know each other
    7______________1048____________Last Letter Starts Next Word
    8______________1041____________What are you making for dinner tonight
    9______________1040____________Songs from A to Z
    10_____________1036____________WORD ASSOCIATION

    Our main boards have at the most, 100 posts in a day... the most total posts within a topic will be about 250. The probability of the main boards ever reaching the lowest level on the statistics are about 0.

    Hope this helps to illustrate the need to edit the general statistics.

    My favorite option would be, to transfer the Games and the lounge to another catagory, just don't know number one; how to do that without loosing data and number two; if this Catagory will be viewed and accessed over the same menu and navigation as the main Forums.... much to ponder... Need help!

    Thanx in advance!!!


    Last edited by Outland on October 30th 2008, 6:00 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Formatting/Grammer/)

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Sanket October 30th 2008, 6:15 am

    I get it now, what u exactly wanted.

    This should go as a suggestion, because i don't think there is anything that can be done to this in a short period of time. Mods, correct me if i am wrong.

    This is a way far fetched off idea to be honest, to give a detailed statistic of what you want.
    New Member

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    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland October 30th 2008, 6:42 am

    Sanket wrote:I get it now, what u exactly wanted.

    This should go as a suggestion, because i don't think there is anything that can be done to this in a short period of time. Mods, correct me if i am wrong.

    This is a way far fetched off idea to be honest, to give a detailed statistic of what you want.

    I don't understand what so far fetched and off about my intent is or if it is now too much to go into detail to describe my predicament. However; I do believe that a reasonable solution is available, even then when one has to go on the PHP level in order to achieve it.

    I thank you anyway for taking an interest in my matter.

    With any luck at all, a moderator will happen by and will take a look into my query and I will eventually get a definate answer or at the very least, acknowledgement.

    Have a great one!

    New Member

    Female Posts : 12
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    Language : english

    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland November 4th 2008, 3:50 pm


    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Guest November 4th 2008, 4:11 pm

    There is no way to exclude certain sections of the forums from the stats, the stats are generated by post activity, if there are no posts in a section there will be no stats for that section Smile

    If you would like to suggest this in the suggestions section and add a poll for members to vote, It may be implemented by the techs

    => Sugestions Section


    New Member

    Female Posts : 12
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    Language : english

    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Outland November 4th 2008, 4:48 pm

    Thanks Craig... after eight days... finally an answer! I am extremely grateful. I don't know how to make a poll yet, but will definately get over there to have a look.

    Best regards,

    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Guest November 4th 2008, 4:56 pm

    Not a problem at all Razz

    To make a poll, When you start a new thread there is an option at the bottom called "Add A Poll"

    Simply add the poll question (Would you like something to tell guests the content is hidden)

    In the box below add

    Not Sure....

    In that Format and then click "Send", obviously before you send put more information in the post itself Razz



    Excluding Forums out of the General Stats Empty Re: Excluding Forums out of the General Stats

    Post by Guest November 4th 2008, 9:18 pm

    As this has been answered i will lock this thread Smile

    => Locked