new members - limited access? Hitskin_logo

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    new members - limited access?


    Female Posts : 75
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    Language : English
    Location : Buckinghamshire

    new members - limited access? Empty new members - limited access?

    Post by nikki_kev March 23rd 2009, 5:16 pm

    When I activate a new member - I want them to only have permission to post in the introduction section untill they have made 10 posts...this is so we can make sure they are who they are etc as we have few fake people joining to cause trouble lately.

    I have just set up a test account so I can run this as a demo...

    How can I make sure they only have access to the intoduction section without viewing the rest and posting on the rest of the forum?

    I have clicked on them to activate the account and then gone onto permission and ticked the intoductions box - but this does not seem to have the desired effect I am after...does anyone know how I can solve this, or if this is even possible?



    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    new members - limited access? Empty Re: new members - limited access?

    Post by MrMario March 23rd 2009, 5:38 pm

    There is no option for this. It has been suggested already.

    But what you can do is make a group for new members and then if you see them have 10 post move them to a group that can see the hole forum. Its work but it will work.

    Female Posts : 75
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English
    Location : Buckinghamshire

    new members - limited access? Empty Re: new members - limited access?

    Post by nikki_kev March 23rd 2009, 6:02 pm

    So if I was to set up a group of NEW MEMBERS - I can them chose which categories they can view?

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    new members - limited access? Empty Re: new members - limited access?

    Post by MrMario March 23rd 2009, 6:03 pm

    That is correct. But we cant set it to me were if you have 10 post you go to a different group and post in the hole forum.