Need some help with the new point system, Hitskin_logo

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    Need some help with the new point system,


    Female Posts : 206
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    Need some help with the new point system, Empty Need some help with the new point system,

    Post by Dana March 24th 2009, 4:29 am

    I just want to make things easy for myself and my adminisrtator's. Is there anyway to just donate points to my member's with out doing it as a group? I have some member's that don't even post. Or when im in the admins panel do i go into where it says find username and just go from there? lol!
    I'd really like to be able to do the groups but be able at the same time go back into a profile and not give them the points. I hope im making sense for you. But i really want to get my point system running again. My member's really love having it.

    thanks in advance.

    Male Posts : 369
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    Need some help with the new point system, Empty Re: Need some help with the new point system,

    Post by DeathSoul March 24th 2009, 4:44 am

    There is a way

    Go to Acp => Modules=>Point Donation=>Find a username

    Then you can put more points in or take them out. If you take out use - eg. -1 will take out 1 point +1 will add 1 points the user's account.