Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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4 posters

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.


    Male Posts : 63
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    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 April 11th 2009, 11:49 am

    Name of the forum: Enjoyment Corner

    Link: http://www.enjoymentcorner.forumotion.com

    Current Administrator : khubaib_95

    Current Moderator :

    Category: Miscellaneous

    Main Language: English

    Description: Its a forum just to make people enjoy!!!
    We're going to introduce a lot of features like shops, custom forums, contests etc..,

    Banner: https://2img.net/h/i360.photobucket.com/albums/oo44/benographics/A-Paradise.png

    Last edited by khubaib_95 on June 28th 2009, 3:49 pm; edited 5 times in total

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 April 15th 2009, 5:29 am

    i introduced salary system for staffs and cash system and shop system also. Come on

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 April 15th 2009, 6:16 pm

    New avatar shop and signature shop had also come.

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 May 6th 2009, 3:32 pm

    No reply here Sad Sad

    Posts : 33
    Reputation : 1
    Language : HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, C++

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by black-light May 28th 2009, 4:23 am

    you need staffs?

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 June 9th 2009, 1:06 pm

    black-light wrote:you need staffs?
    yup... i hv only less number of staffs but i need more staffs 4 my site.

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 June 11th 2009, 3:58 am

    Our users have posted a total of 59 messages
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    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by Aries109 June 22nd 2009, 2:41 am

    Hi there.

    It seems like you have a nice site there, it has great features, but it needs some improvements.

    I see that you are needing staff, maybe I could join up, I've got some ideas on how you can improve your site.

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 June 27th 2009, 1:31 pm

    Our users have posted a total of 81 messages
    We have 22 registered users
    The newest registered user is Rabbit!

    New moderator added : Aries

    Male Posts : 63
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    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 June 28th 2009, 3:50 pm

    I`m in a idea of including Battle centres like pokemon and DBZ. Members can battle other members in the forum itself. And i'm alsi in need of GFX Designers. A contest is gonna be held for that. Join Fast soon.

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english, tamil
    Location : india

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by khubaib_95 July 27th 2009, 3:26 pm

    ----- Site Deleted......

    Posts : 80
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    Language : greek

    Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included. Empty Re: Enjoyment Corner GFX Designers needed. Pokemon and DBZ Battle centres are goings to be included.

    Post by akis1988 September 13th 2009, 3:43 pm