Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved)

    New Member

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    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) Empty Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved)

    Post by myther May 21st 2007, 2:22 pm

    I have a Problem.

    My Chatbox have Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar. How can I edit Them?

    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) 111110

    WHITOUT???? Right ---> WITHOUT

    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) 2222210

    Admin is Disconnected THE mon 21 May, 2007

    it should be

    Right ---> Admin is Disconnected ON mon 21 May, 2007

    Thanks... Hope someone can fix this.

    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) Empty Re: Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved)

    Post by GeoX May 21st 2007, 2:29 pm

    Hello, haha i think that is a bit strange Smile..Well, look..i check the phrase that says "Admin is Disconnected THE mon 21 May, 2007" and i do have the same problem Very Happy..but maybe just a word is missing like "disconnected the chatbox, or the connection with chatbox...but the word is missing..not mis-spelt....I also tried the word without and it works fine Smile...

    so this might be in the infrastructure of the chatbox itself...ahd we may need a techy..
    The Godfather
    The Godfather

    Posts : 5140
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    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) Empty Re: Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved)

    Post by The Godfather May 21st 2007, 4:32 pm


    Thank you for the remark! The technicians are informed and will correct that at the next update! thumleft

    Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved) Empty Re: Wrong Spelling and Wrong Grammar on CHATBOX? (solved)

    Post by GeoX May 21st 2007, 5:01 pm

    Thank you very much