Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points Hitskin_logo

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4 posters

    Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points


    Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    [ 1 ]
    Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points Bar_left100%Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points Bar_right [100%] 
    [ 0 ]
    Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points Bar_left0%Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points Bar_right [0%] 

    Total Votes: 1
    Poll closed

    Male Posts : 967
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    Location : Does it matter? I'm Invisible, you will not see me anyway

    Solved Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    Post by invisible_fa February 3rd 2010, 2:57 pm


    Actually, the reputation system allow users to increase or decrease points number between them, and this most of times makes people figth, because some users, if the want, can make users point go down and down, so this makes sometimes figths between persons...

    So, my suggestion is, that forum Admin could decide to do an only-up reputation system, similar to the thank you button, but visible for all users, so users only can make points going up if they liked the post or the answer of that user, but not affect it negatively...

    I suggest this because the thank you button is only visible for the person wich made the own post, but not for the rest...

    It would be nice to let decide Admin if he/she wants the normal reputation system, or this other one.

    I hope you like the suggestion, and, if you have any doubts, just ask here Very Happy

    Last edited by invisible_fa on February 6th 2010, 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    Solved Re: Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    Post by Sanket February 3rd 2010, 3:01 pm

    Reputation Management

    Well, in the negative vote. Add 0 everywhere. So basically the points don't go down. But i think it shall display that its a disliked post.

    Male Posts : 967
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    Location : Does it matter? I'm Invisible, you will not see me anyway

    Solved Re: Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    Post by invisible_fa February 3rd 2010, 11:27 pm

    Oh, yeah, thanks for the tip, I didn´t thougth about that easy way hehe, sorry.

    Thank you so, I think then you can close this poll, because this option is already avaible...

    But i think it shall display that its a disliked post.

    Yeah, I know, but I take this meassure for avoid trolls kepping going down the users reputation points (dont have any troll yet, but to avoid possible ones in the future, I mean)

    Male Posts : 38
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    Location : portugallo

    Solved Re: Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    Post by ricmetal February 5th 2010, 8:30 pm

    you might be able to remove the negative button by editing the template's html

    Male Posts : 967
    Reputation : 21
    Language : Klingon
    Location : Does it matter? I'm Invisible, you will not see me anyway

    Solved Re: Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    Post by invisible_fa February 6th 2010, 12:34 am

    Don`t worry ricmetal, I did what Sanked said in his post, and It worked, so this suggestion can be closed, because is already solved ^^

    Male Posts : 22186
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    Language : test

    Solved Re: Modify Reputarion System: allow only positive points

    Post by MrMario February 6th 2010, 5:34 am

    => Locked