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4 posters

    chat space in chat room


    Female Posts : 29
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    chat space in chat room Empty chat space in chat room

    Post by Bernice May 3rd 2010, 10:13 pm

    How can I change the bottom of the page so that the area to write in is clearer and bigger please?

    screen print attached

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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by KingOfSports May 3rd 2010, 10:26 pm

    I'm confused as to what you want....and there is not screen print...

    Female Posts : 29
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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by Bernice May 3rd 2010, 10:34 pm

    [img]chat space in chat room Chatro11[/img]

    The font size and bold icons plus the small box where you write to send your message is on top of the bar at the bottom of the page. HOw do I move this off the bar and how to I make the box that you write in bigger

    Male Posts : 11037
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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by kirk May 3rd 2010, 10:52 pm

    can you re-up the screen shot to a different host or just resize it. i cant tell with that one it wont go full size.

    Female Posts : 29
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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by Bernice May 3rd 2010, 11:03 pm

    [img]chat space in chat room Chatro12[/img]

    Male Posts : 11037
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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by kirk May 3rd 2010, 11:15 pm

    what version are you using.
    i might be able to find how to remove that stuff off the bar in a template edit.
    i never really tried much with the chat box but i am sure it can be done.

    As far as where you writing the text well that will have to stay.
    and what is that attachment thing.. you want to add that to the bar.

    well that might be possible too. is it a code?

    oh but either way if it can be done it will only be able to be done by template edit using phpbb2 or punnbb. other then that i would have to see the css code in your css sheet to see if that can be altered. but this will be something more for someone that knows css better. css is not my best department... lol

    info added
    well i need to know if you are using phpbbs or punnbb first.
    the chatbox template is no help and to remove the smiles and so fourth you can not do from there.. i removed the whole code from the template and the chat box was still there for some reason?

    dunno i will have to go through a couple other templates to see where the options are to try to do what your asking. it has to be in a template someone where the smiles and so fourth do not just magically appear.... lol

    so let me know what version your using and I'll do my best t try to find it if your using phpbb2 or punnbb.. but other then that i dont even know what the purpose of the chat box template is doing there... but it's got to be for something or it would not be there. plus it's in the portal.. so who knows.... hahahah

    Female Posts : 29
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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by Bernice May 5th 2010, 6:47 pm

    Sorry I have no idea which version I'm using. I don't want to remove any of the smilies, text styles buttons etc. I just want all that line of buttons and the text box to write in to be a bit bigger and to be above the bar at the bottom of the page so people can see it and use it more easily please

    The attachment is just the screenprint - I was having trouble uploading it on hereso ignore that!


    Is this what you mean? phpBB3 (prosilver)

    Female Posts : 29
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    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by Bernice May 5th 2010, 11:36 pm

    I found the answer to my question here:

    Thank you RoNo

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    chat space in chat room Empty Re: chat space in chat room

    Post by Sanket May 6th 2010, 6:03 am

    Since this thread appears to be solved, I will lock this thread and mark it as solved.
    chat space in chat room 2j4t5a8

    Sanket Smile