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    Batman: The Brave and The Bold Fan Forum

    Rianna Lauren
    Rianna Lauren

    Female Posts : 288
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Indonesian
    Location : INDONESIA

    Batman: The Brave and The Bold Fan Forum Empty Re: Batman: The Brave and The Bold Fan Forum

    Post by Rianna Lauren May 5th 2010, 9:55 am

    Category: Miscellaneous

    Title: Batman: The Brave and The Bold Fan Forum


    Language: English

    This is a fan forum for the television show Batman: The Brave and The Bold. It's a community
    dedicated to the show and to
    show our support as loyal fans
    of the show. In this
    forum, you can submit ANY
    kinds of fanworks such as art,
    fanfictions, etc., discuss characters and episodes, and just have fun!