blank drop down boxes help needed Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    blank drop down boxes help needed


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    blank drop down boxes help needed Empty blank drop down boxes help needed

    Post by steventruman August 20th 2010, 8:05 pm

    right then been having a few problems since the photobucket error thingy.

    not a clue what to do realy as the guy that set up my forum has now gone and left me holding the rains Rolling Eyes

    anyway i had a play about and manged to change part of the skin and as far as i know that part of the problem is solved even through i have no idea how i did it Laughing

    however ive noticed today ive found anther problem, the drop down boxes for new member to register are blank!
    you can see what there for if you mover the curser over them but im thinking new members are not going to think of that and not bother to register.

    what i need realy is somone that has a bit of now how and some spare time to be able to help me sort it.

    please Smile

    Male Posts : 311
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    Location : Go Seahawks!

    blank drop down boxes help needed Empty Re: blank drop down boxes help needed

    Post by boffer10 August 21st 2010, 2:16 am

    Any chance your font color ended up being the same color as your background color?

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    blank drop down boxes help needed Empty Re: blank drop down boxes help needed

    Post by steventruman August 24th 2010, 12:24 am

    yes that sounds about right but how do i change it?

    Male Posts : 311
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    Location : Go Seahawks!

    blank drop down boxes help needed Empty Re: blank drop down boxes help needed

    Post by boffer10 August 24th 2010, 3:35 am

    Let's do something easy, just to verify.

    Enter the AP and navigate to where the image was captured. Where it says 'Text Color', change the code to whichever of these colors will stand out the best.

    black #000000 white #FFFFFF red #FF0000

    If that works, we'll figure out how to change the background color.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    blank drop down boxes help needed Empty Re: blank drop down boxes help needed

    Post by kirk August 24th 2010, 7:48 am

    steventruman what forum version are you useing?

    you can also try going to.

    admin panel>display>colors

    scroll down to (Drop-down menu, form fields and header border color) and try changing the color there.

    or you can add this to your css

    ok for this you change the colors for where the color codes are.
    then you can change the size of the text you want where the 15px is.
    and if you wanted to you can even add a background image.
    for that just place the direct image link in between the () at the bottom next to url.
    the image will appear in the subject board and quick reply box too.. but you don't have to have one it's just there aas an extra if you did want one Smile

    then you will add this code in your admin panel>display>colors>css style sheet. just past the code and then hit save.

    input,textarea, select {
      color : #FFFFFF;
      font: normal 15px Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
      border-color : #FFFFFF;
      background-image: url();


    Posts : 109
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    Language : english

    blank drop down boxes help needed Empty Re: blank drop down boxes help needed

    Post by steventruman August 25th 2010, 1:04 am

    right then i think its more or less sorted the only problem now is after a new member has read the forum rulles the i agree/ i do not agree boxes are all white so you cant see the righting.
    i tried changing the drop down tex colour but ended up turning all the forum righing the same colour as the backround so you couldent see what you were typing Rolling Eyes
    but manged to get that back.
    im using the invision forum i think.

    so how do i change the colour of the agree boxes?
    also like to add a backround photo but what do i put into the () place?