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    ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies!


    Male Posts : 539
    Reputation : 26
    Language : Markup.

    ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies! Empty ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies!

    Post by Saxaca November 17th 2010, 6:35 pm

    Developers Community
    Choice of the category: Computers and Internet

    Choice of a title: ZoneOnNet - Developers Community

    Forum address:

    Main language: We only speak English. No americano tongue

    Forum description: ZoneOnNet is an English web developer community. We offer guides and support on its best. The forum is not heavily moderated.. with only one staff member at the current, i would say that we're an small community which probably will be active.

    ZoneOnNet is currently designed by Saxaca with some freebies from people like Matei.

    Some random cool stuff we have: ZoneOnNet may not have the best design, but we do have some random nice stuff here! Examples of what we have are things like an category toggler, an kinda outdated forum hove, topic icons and a shop soon to come.

    Forums and categories:


    Web developement talk

    Other services
    Tutorials (5 posts to access)

    Off topic

    Staff rooms

    Trash can

    ZoneOnNet staff:

    Administrators: Saxaca
    Moderators: None at the moment
    Graphic Designers: None at the moment
    Technicians: None at the moment

    Some small updates which ain't big enough to deserve their own reply:
    20 - Nov - 2010
    Added new smileys. More will come.

    Last edited by Saxaca on December 4th 2010, 3:03 pm; edited 4 times in total

    Male Posts : 539
    Reputation : 26
    Language : Markup.

    ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies! Empty ZoneOnNet - Hiring staff and requesting affliates!

    Post by Saxaca November 22nd 2010, 5:49 pm

    Newsletter X1

    ZoneOnNet is currently hiring affliates and staff for our forums. As an affliate you will get an link to your forum placed on an HTML page of ours. The page can be found by clicking here. You should know that this is good for both parts, and will help everybody grow and get bigger. Very Happy

    Please sign up and PM me to affliate.

    And the other thing, yeah, it's true. ZoneOnNet is hiring staff members! If you're well experienced in coding, or perhaps designing, well yeah, we do probably have an place for you, too! Wink

    We'll be hiring staff for all our groups exept Administrators; Moderators, Graphic Designers and Technicians. Moderators moderate the whole forum, Graphic Designers design and moderate the Graphic Section, ans the Technicians moderate all the coding forums and the Tutorials.

    As staff you will get access to the staff room, moderation powers, colored name and a rank and icon-freebie from Matei Razz

    To participate, please SIGN UP, leave some quality posts, and SEND ME A PM! Cool

    But of course, we do have security. People registered here at FM will have certain priorities, as i know some of them. Smile All FM members should register with their FM name, and all staff members will send me an PM here to proove they're the RIGHT DUDE. Wink

    Also, if we get enough members, i have some big plans for contests and nice stuff you sure would like.. Cool

    Thanks for reading, now SIGN UP!

    Last edited by Saxaca on December 4th 2010, 3:01 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Male Posts : 539
    Reputation : 26
    Language : Markup.

    ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies! Empty Re: ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies!

    Post by Saxaca November 25th 2010, 6:05 pm

    Newsletter X2
    Table of contents:
    • New ranks added
    • Background changed
    • Suggestion - change the promotion table?
    • We're still hiring staff! [We got no applications]
    • New contest - What do YOU want it too be?
    • Affliate with us!

    New ranks added:
    Today the forum has added new ranks. They can be found below. Want to get one? Sign up!

    Rank title:

    New Member:
    Junior Member:
    Senior Member:
    Advanced Member:
    Extreme Member:





    Background changed:
    ZoneOnNet has recently changed it's background to the one from Jalokims' Jaded V2.0 skin. Do you find it nice? Does it fit? Tell us after signing up!

    ZoneOnNet has recently changed it's skin. Do you like it? Oh - no worries. We asked Jalokim to use it. Don't ask how, but we got a quick reply anyways..

    Do you find it nice? Not nice? Don't be afraid to PM me your meaning on our forum - my inbox only consists of one message at the moment..

    Change the promotion table?
    After the new background change, we wonder if you want us to update our old tables?

    You have noticed it. I told you some seconds ago. Don't see it? ABOVE! Anyways, we want to know if you think this table [The promotion one] is outdated, and doesn't fit our skin? We would change the background image - but not if you don't want it! Be a part of ZoneOnNet - help choosing the updated

    We're still hiring staff!
    What to do if you got no applications..?

    Yeah, the title said it. We received no applications, but that doesn't mean we're giving up! Far from, we do still hire! And we want as many as possible to applicate! Registrating at this forum require no activation, so it takes less than 10 seconds of you got some stuff ready.

    New contest what should it be?
    ZoneOnNet is going to start a new contest. Do you have any ideas?

    Told you in last post. We're going to start a new contest. To get the most fun [And biggest prizes] out of it, we want you to PM us any idea which passes by your head! Anything! Just no plain and pure rip-offs, we don't like that.

    Affliate with us!
    We would like you on the team!

    This would be benefital for both.. Wanna affliate? We'd like you on the team. It gathers more members for both parts!
    We would be good on the team. You see our writing abilities in this huge post? Razz

    Male Posts : 539
    Reputation : 26
    Language : Markup.

    ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies! Empty Re: ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies!

    Post by Saxaca December 4th 2010, 3:01 pm

    Post contest!

    Today ZON is releasing their first contest! It's extremely simple. Just get the most posts! On the 15th December we will check the stats, and the one with the most posts will win. Remember the rules, and do not spam.

    Notice: Staff members may not participate in this contest unless they make a deal with me to get removed from their groups during the contest.

    Now what you all want. The prize!
    There's only going to be one prize. The winner will get a rank. And, they will also get 150 Zookies which they can use to buy HTML pages and stuff from the shop.

    Happy posting!

    In other news..
    - An table has been added to the footer
    - We're finished hiring staff. From now of you got to earn it the proper way


    Male Posts : 539
    Reputation : 26
    Language : Markup.

    ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies! Empty Re: ZoneOnNet ~ Posting coppetition - Win a rank & bonus Zookies!

    Post by Saxaca December 12th 2010, 3:31 pm


    Some weeks ago ZON changed version to PunBB. This has been a long planned move and we plan to add more "cool stuff" in the future; that means pretty soon.

    We also hope you haven't forgotten the contest? It's going to close in three days, but there's enough room for you to win!

    Also, we have released an new mini-contest for some days now, it's the DOUBLE ZOOKIES DAYS! We'll not tell you how long this is going to last, so just be safe and get posting NOW!

    Another thing now, ZON has just began to release a bunch of mini-tutorials called the TWT's! (This Week's Tip) The first one is released today, and the next one is nearing! Visit us, and read it! If you liked it just as much as we do, why not sign up and get acess to more?

    Go to the top, there's an sign in link there!