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2 posters

    Liverpool Sea Fishing


    Male Posts : 123
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Completed Liverpool Sea Fishing

    Post by seadog March 13th 2011, 2:46 pm

    2nd time of asking..........

    Name of the Forum: Liverpool Sea Fishing
    Area's you wish the reviewer to review: Full Review
    Your Name on the board: Admin

    I am the admin of this site,i have an account made up for the forumotion reviewer,so who ever tags this request i shall send them a PM regarding the account name and password



    Male Posts : 123
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Completed Re: Liverpool Sea Fishing

    Post by seadog March 13th 2011, 10:52 pm

    Thanks for taking time out to review my forum,BUT i think your wrong in giving me a C,i look at othe forums that have other reviews and the highest i've seen is a C,what have you got to be to get a B or an A?

    I think my forum is better than yours

    Forumotion have got it wrong in giving these school kids moderation/reviewer titles

    There is only one decent moderator who is willing to help quickly this forum,and thats Gangstar15

    So i hope this is a lesson to most of you

    Male Posts : 17924
    Reputation : 836
    Language : English
    Location : Somewhere

    Completed Re: Liverpool Sea Fishing

    Post by Jophy March 14th 2011, 11:10 am

    And for the record, your request won't be sent to our 'Review Archives', due to your ugly attitude to the staff