Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum? Hitskin_logo

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    Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum?

    New Member

    Posts : 11
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    Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum? Empty Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum?

    Post by Luzo April 6th 2011, 12:57 pm

    Hi! It's me again Smile now i having a problem that i don't want new members with no post to log in to Categories/forum. I mean if a new member with over 1 post or more than that value, they can go to the "forum" and see topics. And new members with 0 post, they can't log in to the "forum" to see topics.

    Ex. I post a topic name "abcxyz" in forum called "Joke" and i want members who archive higher than 2 posts to go to "Joke", and members are under 2 posts can't go to "Joke" to see "abcxyz".

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum? Empty Re: Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum?

    Post by MrMario April 6th 2011, 3:33 pm


    Male Posts : 10386
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    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum? Empty Re: Can i set a value of post for Categories and forums so members are under that value can not go to the Categories and forum?

    Post by Base April 6th 2011, 6:21 pm

    By using the tutorial provided to you by MrMario, you can combine the effect with this: create a restricted forum. Smile