Anyway of creating these Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Anyway of creating these

    MRU Max
    New Member

    Male Posts : 13
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    Anyway of creating these Empty Anyway of creating these

    Post by MRU Max Sat 16 Apr 2011 - 19:30

    Anyway of creating a much advanced shoutbox.

    Also anyway of making a better rep system with icons on your profile.


    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Anyway of creating these Empty Re: Anyway of creating these

    Post by Sanket Sat 16 Apr 2011 - 20:28

    All of it is suggested, currently its not possible.

    Female Posts : 305
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    Location : UK

    Anyway of creating these Empty Re: Anyway of creating these

    Post by lisa1302 Sat 16 Apr 2011 - 22:25

    You can use third party things - we currently use addonchat for our chat room, is seperate rather than 'on' the forum so the box can float - even the free version is pretty good (we use the pro version so users have to register), and we also use shoutmix for a shoutbox, again we have the paid version, but the free one is not at all bad!