How to make a forum a category? Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    How to make a forum a category?


    Female Posts : 169
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    Location : Denver

    How to make a forum a category? Empty How to make a forum a category?

    Post by jaebaeli November 30th 2007, 5:31 pm

    How do i change a forum to a category?
    I'm having trouble with organizing the tiers, because by the 4th level, i can't use the sticky feature...
    Like, if i have a category, NETWORKING
    and below that a STATE name,
    and below that, an event in that state,
    but need a sticky under that event for an RSVP list, then it seems at that point, i can't make a sticky, because the structure is then the posts themselves, without the divisions...does that make sense?

    So i figure i need to eliminate the top category of NETWORKING and move all those STATES under separate categories...but that will be a hassle, because this will mean doing it FIFTY times.

    Any way around this?

    Female Posts : 169
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    Language : english
    Location : Denver

    How to make a forum a category? Empty Re: How to make a forum a category?

    Post by jaebaeli December 3rd 2007, 1:58 pm

    really do need to know how to do this.
    Perhaps we need a feature added in mods or admin that allows us to change a forum to a category, and all that previous forums topics to become forums under the new category. This would be extremely helpful when keeping up with the growth of a site.

    Some confusion exists here:
    is a sub-forum the same as a topic? is a topic both a sub-forum and a forum??
    when i create a new category, and want to move a forum under that category, and also each topic under that forum to the NEW category, how do i do that?

    I often need to lose the extra topic title...i.e.
    I want to move moral and ethical dilemmas to the CATEGORY: Philosophy. But beneath Moral & Ethical Dilemmas, i have different posts about different examples of this, with response posts to each of those.
    So it's
    >Moral & Ethical Dilemmas
    >>The Hunter's Conundrum

    I need to use the category structure, becuase i want the topics beneath each to appear on the home page in smaller type, clickable, beneath.

    Male Posts : 262
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    Language : English
    Location : Australia

    How to make a forum a category? Empty Re: How to make a forum a category?

    Post by Blax December 3rd 2007, 3:47 pm

    Just make a new forum / catogory where you want it.

    Female Posts : 169
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english
    Location : Denver

    How to make a forum a category? Empty Re: How to make a forum a category?

    Post by jaebaeli December 3rd 2007, 3:56 pm

    Okay, thanks, but you didn't understand the question.

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    How to make a forum a category? Empty Re: How to make a forum a category?

    Post by Luky December 3rd 2007, 6:34 pm

    Sorry, but you can't change a category into a forum or the other way around.