how to add a "Like" button like facebook. Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    how to add a "Like" button like facebook.


    Male Posts : 99
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    how to add a "Like" button like facebook. Empty how to add a "Like" button like facebook.

    Post by gamesave August 4th 2011, 4:44 pm

    okay, i have alot of topics on my website, and id like to have a "Like" button like facebook does... how do i add it.?
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    how to add a "Like" button like facebook. Empty Re: how to add a "Like" button like facebook.

    Post by Empire_1 August 4th 2011, 5:41 pm

    Last edited by The Divine Clutch on August 4th 2011, 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 11037
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    how to add a "Like" button like facebook. Empty Re: how to add a "Like" button like facebook.

    Post by kirk August 4th 2011, 10:55 pm

    Dion why do you not have phpbb 2 included? dose it not work with phpbb2?
    Just wondering because gamesave is using phpbb2

    @gamesave remember you have share options in your actions on the left top of every page, this is not the exact thing as the facebook like feature but you do have options there.

    I am not sure about dions Tutorial, i have not had time to check it out.If it is complatibil with phpbb two then that may be what you want to go with.
    The problem with the official facebook like feature from facebook developers is that you have to provide the link to the page you are incorporating it to.

    So what ever link you was to add to the code, it will always show as everyone liking the page you have the link from in there. So that means, If you had it in a template for the option to be on every post or page, it's only going to show the page of the link you have in the code.. there is no way for it to automatically detect what page your comming from it will only come up as the page of which you added the link from.

    However there may be a couple other options you can incorporate, i will have to find my facebook code thing i use, But like i said if dions way is compatibility with phpbb2, then you can just use that one Smile


    how to add a "Like" button like facebook. Empty Re: how to add a "Like" button like facebook.

    Post by Guest August 5th 2011, 12:50 am

    kirk wrote:Dion why do you not have phpbb 2 included? dose it not work with phpbb2?
    Since you asked...

    I don't support phpBB2 because it's a worthless piece of garbage.

    I'm sure many of my techniques/tutorials will work with phpBB2 with some modifications. Those modifications won't be coming from me, however. Wink