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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction


    Male Posts : 11037
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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by kirk November 18th 2011, 6:30 am

    Ok i have been seeing a lot of people the last year or so with different views and opinions on those that write or modify various coding and scripts, then claim they own it with a copyright.

    Well it's a hard one to chew on.

    It seems people get this miraculous idea that they can write a script, put a copyright line in it and actually think they own it,The Same thing with people that write CSS html and other various coding. It's almost imposable to get a copyright on such scripting or coding as this.

    Scripts and codes are nothing but a computer language developed for the computer to read, what one person may write one way, another person can write another way to do the same exact thing, Plus it's all been done before somewhere already. If anyone would own anything it's the very people that invented java and other coding, and that can not be labeled to just one source nor person.. this has been developing for years.

    This is not coding for software developments of which you can get a patten and own or sell your software, it's standard java,html,jquery php or whatever else for web pages. It's very hard to get a copyright on things such as this, why? because just about everything is all the same way anyway.. I dont care who writes or modifies what.. It's international computer language for the computer to read and function for what the script was written for... nothing more nothing less,

    Now if your talking about images, slogans, music, video or some other source of media or pattens that are implemented for use within a code ,then thats a whole new ball game. And all material things as in the small list above can be copyrighted. That kind of goes without saying,

    But scripts are scripts, It would not matter if Stephen Hawkins him self written it, anyone can learn it, anyone can do it, anyone can use it. It would not so much be what kind of scripting it is, it would be if there are any copyrighted materials that are some how implemented into any coding.. Or other software programs, Like for example. Lets say you are very smart and came up with a way to write your own script like photoshop and using real phoptoshop elements developed by Adobe, well that would be a big NO NO.

    Plus Do you know how long it would take to go through and try to match scripts to make sure there is nothing else already written like it.. blackeye it's imposable to check something like that... As this person in the article below has said , you would be laughed right back at.

    Interesting article i found a few months back, i forget where it came from, when i read it i finally found someone that has a little knowledge of knowing it's very hard to actually get scripts copyrighted. Although that dose not go without saying that isn't possible.


    So basically his first paragraph is my point,
    Although i think others that may be new to java would find the rest interesting and good to know if they already did not.

    And all though it may be possible to actually get a copyright, It seems that it would be very hard and not even worth the effort?


    Male Posts : 51550
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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by SLGray November 18th 2011, 8:55 am

    Very interesting post and article. Thanks for posting this, kirk.

    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Slgray10

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    Male Posts : 11037
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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by kirk November 18th 2011, 2:07 pm

    yeah it's a tough debate.
    And believe it or not i think most staff and members here that create ,write or modify coding and scripts would disagree.

    And you know there are many members and staff alike here on forumotion support that work hard on scripting or modifying various things to be implemented to our forums or other web pages in general.

    So it can not go with out notice of the work involved in doing some of this stuff, So i mean credit and thanx should always be given to a person for things they have modified,written or present as tutorials.

    So although i may disagree how some may present their stuff as them being the soul owner/creator or having a copyrights when in fact it's nearly impossible to truly get a copyright.. I feel any one that may use something someone that has been altered,modified or written, the credit should be given to them, and if there is any such content presented in the code or scripting, such as the author, creator, links leading back to the person, or other credentials that states who written it and where it came from. Well i think people should have the curtsy and dignity to allow such things to remain so the person can get credit for it,

    And you know, not just for members or staff here on forumotion support, but anywhere.

    The whole reason i started this debate/discussion thread, Is because i see far to often someone complaining or yelling about someone steeling some sort of scripting, or coding, when in reality it's just basic scripts/computer language that has been used a million times ten fold, and no way have having any real ownership to it.

    But let us remember, If there is some type of copyrighted materials that may be implemented in to a coding source,that can change things big time.

    So i know a most will not see eye to eye on this, but would love to see others views, points, opinions and aspects on this,

    Plus this is not the first place such conversation and debate has taken place,This has been going on for many years, You have many collage professors or web developers that lecture on this type of thing every day.. Smile

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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by ankillien November 20th 2011, 6:33 am

    Well, everything a person produces and publishes is automatically copyrighted, no need to go through the legal process. You automatically hold the copyright to anything you create, including code. JavaScripts are also subject to copyright.

    The difference between this automatic copyright and going and filing a copyright with the government is all about proof. If someone steals your code and you sue, you're going to have a difficult time proving it to be your own unless you have a legitimate filed copyright.

    There is nothing called not copyrightable thing. If you really did it, then its yours and you can hold the copyright. Just ask yourself if it would be easy to prove that you are the first person to write that code!

    People usually copyright their work and reserve the rights of re-using it. But copyrighting your work will not stop it from being stolen or reused without permission! Its the author's job to protect his work at his own. So the author has to ask himself whether his codes are truly so valuable that he wants to battle with the forces of evil.

    In my own opinion, unless you're a large corporation, it's not at all worth it to file any type of patent or copyright for codes. It's costly and we're still in a stage where it's difficult to claim a right to software innovations anyway. So, its better to allow people to reuse your javascripts. Just ask them to give credit to you in return fufufu

    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by Guest November 20th 2011, 7:37 am

    Hmm, you're right kirk, as as anikillien:
    ankillien wrote:People usually copyright their work and reserve the rights of re-using it. But copyrighting your work will not stop it from being stolen or reused without permission! Its the author's job to protect his work at his own.
    I agree with you. Wink
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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by Omu November 29th 2011, 9:37 pm

    Nice article. This post give me more informations Smile
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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by Like November 30th 2011, 12:40 am

    People usually copyright their work and reserve the rights of re-using it. But copyrighting your work will not stop it from being stolen or reused without permission! Its the author's job to protect his work at his own.

    Perfect! The copyright is a symbol. You need to protect your own creation.

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    (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction  Empty Re: (Java scripts copyrights.) Fact or Fiction

    Post by LGforum November 30th 2011, 2:43 am

    jQuery IS written in Javascript. Infact a hell of a lot of things are, and they are all not allowed to be copied and rightly so.

    Even if the author does not have a legal patent on their script. The copyright notice explains that it can not be used without the authors consent and that alone means people shouldn't use it.

    HOWEVER, i am perfectly capabale of seeing your point.
    It is perfectly possible that someone can write a long script to do something, and somewhere else someone has written the same script to do the same thing.

    But you could say this with a lot of things. If a company created a logo, its perfectly possible another company creates a logo that look exactly the same.

    As much as you think scripts are just text, it is VERY unlikely someone just chances to write the same thing. And so a copyright notice basically says 'this is my version, if you use it, leave my notice in place'.