by Darren1 November 26th 2011, 9:18 pm
I'm going to break down your questions to answer them more clearly
Well, I made a phpBB3 website using Forumotion, and I have been told that it crashes computers. So, is there anyway to stop this?
haven't heard of this to date? I'm almost certain this isn't possible, how exactly is this happening?
IE: the user/s working with another program whilst having the browser in the background idling - or is it being used and it just crashes?
Another thing is, whenever you are on a different program(Like Paint), the forum stops responding and refreshes.
This sounds like a browser issue. Never has happened to me, nor even heard of it in 4 years
Usually when the browser either crashes/stops responding it's due to another process on the users' computer/laptop causing a "Process Order" confusion; ie; program A has the same level of priority and needs to run at the same time as Program B, but B has the same order and wants to run at the same time. The CPU needs a few moments to correct this. Usually takes no less then 2 minutes to work out. This is unfortunately a common thing among Laptops, Windows PC's previous of XP SP3.
Or if you like to rush processes' on a laptop like I do