Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Hitskin_logo

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    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

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    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Empty Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

    Post by heavylol December 27th 2011, 12:12 am

    Ok lets start.

    I have created the subdomain from Enom which it works when i type it in the address bar of the web browser.
    The starting name of my forumotion forum is that it works also when type it in the address bar of the web browser.

    Ok the problem is.
    From the time i selected the to be my forum address under the Personalized domain name option in the control panel of my forum should not redirect to and only should be displayed in the adress bar?

    More simple when i type it should change into in the adress bar.

    Plz help me.
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    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Empty Re: Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

    Post by Omu December 27th 2011, 10:43 am

    If the domain aren't from forumotion ( GoDaddy ) the new domain don't redirect you to the new adress .
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    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Empty Re: Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

    Post by heavylol December 27th 2011, 11:37 am

    Will i have any problem with my posts?
    I mean lets say i have a post named, i also have that post in this adress
    So Google i know they dont like identical posts, how will they even put them in the google search? ;/
    Whats the use of the personalized domain option then ;/ ??!!? jsut to put one more adress in the mess

    Male Posts : 22186
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    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Empty Re: Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

    Post by MrMario December 27th 2011, 6:41 pm


    I don't see much of a problem.
    New Member

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    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Empty Re: Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

    Post by heavylol December 28th 2011, 12:51 pm

    Yes it is a problem , because Google dont submit double page content in the search machine. Also i want to track my forums visits and give more attention to posts and threads that is more useful to people .

    So if i use Google analytics , the results will not be correct. The site that im gona use the forum is a very know upcoming site in my country and i will have possible customers that will want to put an advertisment on it, so if google analytics dont work correctly its my loss.

    The pages i have submited on the starting of the thread is a test forum so i can see how it works on my test site(

    Btw dont give me an answer like buy your own domain and create your own forum , because first i want to see if my forum will succeed and then put more money on it.

    Come guys and girls enlighten me!!! Need some help over here.

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!! Empty Re: Help me plz with my sub-domain address!!!!!

    Post by MrMario December 28th 2011, 8:41 pm

    There isn't much we can do since you bought the domain from another host. If you bought a domain from Forumotion you won't be having this issue.