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2 posters

    ===help me in creating a widget===

    New Member

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    Location : Dhaka,Bangladesh

    Solved ===help me in creating a widget===

    Post by *!*!(jason_bourne)!*!* Sat 7 Apr - 19:22

    hi forumotion stuff ,for the last 3 dayz i have been trying continously to put a music widget that can play song in background,but my its bad luck that i havent succeded.i have tried this way Administration Panel>modules>add a widget>naming the widget,enabled html,paste the embedded code>saved it>and added it....but in my forum it only shows the code Shit Embarassed any code i try to use as widget it does nt work,i am getting mad for this Smile plz help,i want to use this widget
        <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=,0,0,0" name="header" width="200" height="60" align="" id="header"><param name=movie value=""><param name=quality value=high><param name=bgcolor value=#ffffff><param name="SCALE" value="exactfit"><embed src=""  width="200" height="60" align="" quality=high bgcolor=#061165 name="header" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" scale="exactfit" /></object><p>Get Yours: <a href="" target="_blank">Music Codes</a></div></div>           

    Female Posts : 7078
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    Solved Re: ===help me in creating a widget===

    Post by Nera. Sat 7 Apr - 19:25


    Everything is fine with the code. You can see the widget here on my test forum:

    Only thing is your HTML must be off when you add the code and save it:

    ===help me in creating a widget=== LnCx
    New Member

    Male Posts : 2
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English,Bangla,Hindi
    Location : Dhaka,Bangladesh

    Solved many many thnx for solving my problem

    Post by *!*!(jason_bourne)!*!* Sat 7 Apr - 19:40

    many many thnx for solving my problem.i should have asked it before salut :wouhou:

    Female Posts : 7078
    Reputation : 2017
    Language : English
    Location : -

    Solved Re: ===help me in creating a widget===

    Post by Nera. Sat 7 Apr - 19:41


    Topic Solved & Locked

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